Overview: Statuses

There are many different types of statuses that display throughout MeetingBroker.

RFP Status

Draft The RFP is created but hasn't been sent.
New The RFP has been sent.
Updated The meeting or RFP details were updated, and the RFP was sent again.
Awarded The sender awarded the RFP to let the location know they were selected to move forward.
Withdrawn The sender withdrew the RFP to let the location know they were no longer being considered.
Turned Down The receiver declined the RFP.
Self-awarded The receiver changed the business status to Definite.
Cancelled The sender cancelled the meeting and all associated RFPs.


The RFP has not reached a terminal status and has been escalated at least one time.

Business Status

Inquiry This is the default status when the RFP is first received and indicates that you have not yet started processing the RFP.
Prospect You are bidding on the business but have not yet sent a contract.
Tentative A contract has been sent to the client and you are holding space.
Definite The signed contract has been received from the client.
Turned Down The business was never definite and has been lost.
Cancelled The business was previously definite, but has now been lost.

RFP Summary Status

If all RFPs are cancelled, the RFP Summary Status displays "Canceled”.

If at least one RFP is awarded or self-awarded, and:

The business status of at least one of the awarded/self-awarded is Completed, the RFP Summary Status displays “Awarded: Completed”.

If none of the RFPs are Completed, and the business status of at least one of the awarded/self-awarded RFPs is Definite, the RFP Summary Status displays “Awarded: Definite”.

If none of the RFPs are either Completed or Definite, and the business status of at least one awarded/self-awarded RFP is Tentative, the RFP Summary Status displays “Awarded: Tentative”.

If none of the RFPs are Completed, Definite, or Tentative, and the business status of at least one awarded/self-awarded RFP is Prospect, the RFP Summary Status displays “Awarded: Prospect”.

If none of the RFPs are Completed, Definite, Tentative, or Prospect, and the business status of at least one awarded/self-awarded RFP is Inquiry, the RFP Summary Status displays “Awarded: Inquiry”.

If none of the RFPs are Completed, Definite, Tentative, Prospect, or Inquiry, there is no integration with Delphi, and no values are entered into the business data, the RFP Summary Status displays “Awarded”.

The RFP Summary Status displays “Draft”, with the exception of the following:

When at least one proposal has been received for an RFP that is not in terminal status (Withdrawn, Awarded, Self-Awarded, Turned Down, Cancelled), the RFP Summary Status displays “Proposal Received”.

When at least one property has viewed an RFP that is not in a terminal status, the RFP Summary Status displays “Property Researching”.

When at least one RFP is in New or Updated status, the RFP Summary Status displays “Sent”.

When all RFPs are in terminal status or there are no RFPs, the RFP Summary Status displays “Dormant”.


Meeting Summary Status


Condition description

Gathering Information

No RFPs associated with this meeting have been sent.


One or more RFPs associated with this meeting have been sent, but have not yet been opened by the receiving property.

Properties researching

One or more RFPs associated with this meeting have been sent, and have been opened by the receiving property.

Proposals Received

One or more proposals associated with this meeting have been received.


One or more RFPs associated with this meeting have been awarded or self-awarded. This condition is followed by the business data status of the RFP with the highest business status (Cancelled to Definite). 


All RFPs associated with this meeting have been cancelled.


All RFPs associated with this meeting have been either turned down by the receiver or withdrawn by the sender. There are no RFPs capable of being awarded as part of this meeting. 


SUE milestones

SUE workflows are based on RFP milestones, which are key stages in the life cycle of an RFP.

Milestone Action
Published You received but have yet to view the RFP
Viewed You viewed the RFP
Turned Down You turned down the RFP
Proposed You sent a proposal
Awarded The meeting planner awarded the RFP
Definite You confirmed the RFP was won
Withdrawn The meeting planner withdraws their RFP
Cancelled The meeting planner cancels their meeting
Business Lost You confirm this RFP was lost (click Did Not Win)
Complete You report actuals