Business Data Less Than Zero ADR report

This report will identify mistakes in data entry for guestrooms. If a booking has a room type with guestrooms, but no rate or a zero rate, it will be listed.

To run the report

  1. Click the Reports tab

  2. Select Business Data Less Than Zero ADR from the list.

  3. In the Start Date fields, enter the range of arrival dates.

  4. In the Business Data Type field, select if you want to include only certain types, or leave blank to include all.

  5. To see all locations that you have access to, leave the Location fields blank. Or you can check the box to only include integrated locations, or use the Search Icon of a magnifying glass button to select locations by name.
  6. In the Business Data Status field, select to only view Definite or Tentative bookings, or leave blank to include all.

  7. Select whether you want to print the report in HTML or Microsoft Excel format.

  8. Click Create Report.

Report details

Location Name The RFP receiving location
Meeting Name Name of the meeting
Start Date Business Data Start Date
Business Data Owner Business Owner of the Business Data.
RFP ID The ID of the RFP associated to the business data record
Integrated ID The external ID associated to the business data record
Status The business data status name
Type The business data type name

Total Rooms

Total number of sleeping rooms reserved for the meeting. For Business Data, this will the "Best Number".