Business Data by Location report

The Business Data by Location report displays the number of rooms consumed (by month) per location. This report only includes room consumption for RFPs that are awarded or self-awarded.

Your access privileges determine if you have access to the report and the type of information you can view.

Subscription Admin

May view the report only if you also have Director or Supervisor access.

Location Admin

May view the report only if you also have Director or Supervisor access.


May view rooms consumed for the locations where you have access.


May view rooms consumed for the locations where you have access.

Sales Manager

May view rooms consumed for only RFPs that you have sent or received.

To create the report

  1. Click the Reports tab.

  1. Select Business Data by Location Report from the list.

  2. Do one of the following:

  1. Select whether you want to group the RFP data in the report by start dateClosed (The RFP data is summarized by month based on the start dates of the RFPs) or first sent dateClosed (The RFP data is summarized by month based on the first sent dates of the RFPs).

  2. In the Start Date box, select the range of months to display in the report.

  1. In the First Sent Date box, select the range of first sent dates to display in the report.

  2. Select the type of business data to display in the report (actual, agreed, blocked, pick up, or best numberClosed Based on actual basis, this business data is the most accurate. If there is no actual business data, the best number is based in the actual business data, the best number is based on information from the blocked business data).

  1. Select one or more statuses of the business data you want to view in the report.

  1. Click the Search Icon of a magnifying glass button to select a location: 

All active locations within the subscription are displayed.

  1. Select whether you want to print the report in HTML or Microsoft Excel format.

  2. Click Create Report.

Report details


The sender of the RFP leading to room consumption.


The receiver of the RFP leading to room consumption.

Receiver Currency

The default currency of the receiving location.


The number of rooms consumed.

Total Revenue

The total revenue generated by the RFPs in the report.

Avg. Room Rate

The average rate of the rooms consumed.