Definite Business Data report

The Definite Business Data report provides a snapshot of the value of an RFP the date it became definite.  

To run the report

  1. Click the Reports tab.

  1. Select Definite Business Data Report from the list.

  2. For the Report Type, select whether you want to view the sending or receiving users for each RFP.  

  3. In the Date Definite fields, enter the range of dates when the RFP became definite or click the calendar button to select the dates.

  4. In the Sending User/Receiving User field, you can select specific users to display in the report by clicking the Search Icon of a magnifying glass button. If you want to display all users, leave the field blank.

  5. In the Sending Locations/Receiving Locations field, you can select specific locations to display in the report by clicking the Search Icon of a magnifying glass button. If you want to display all locations, leave the field blank.

  1. Select the Business Data Type to be displayed in the report. If you select Best Number, the report will display actual business data if actual has been marked complete. If actual has not been marked complete, the report will display pickup data; if pickup has not been marked complete, it will display blocked data, and so on.

  2. In the Non-Guestroom Revenue field, select the types of revenue to include in the report.

  3. If you selected the Receiver report type, you can select a specific channel in the Channel drop-down list. To display all channels in the report, do not select a value.

  4. Select whether you want to print the report in HTML or Microsoft Excel format.

  5. Click Create Report.

The report displays the room, rate, and revenue values for the date/time that the business data status turned definite.

Report details


If you selected Sender as the report type, this column displays one of the following:

  • The name of the sending location if the RFP was sent by a sister location or sales office in your MeetingBroker subscription.

  • The name of the channel that sent the RFP.

If you selected Receiver as the report type, this column displays the name of the receiving location.

Receiver/Sender Location Code

The information that was entered in the Location Code field of the Location General tab by your MeetingBroker administrator.


The unique identifier of the RFP in MeetingBroker.

Primary RFP

If the RFP is multi-linked, displays the primary RFP’s ID.

Receiving/Sending User

If you selected Sender as the report type, this column displays the first and last name of the user who sent the RFP. This will be blank if the RFP was sent by a public channel.

If you selected Receiver as the report type, this column displays the name of the user who was assigned as the RFP’s business owner on the date that the status changed to definite.

Receiver/Sender Location Code

The information that was entered in the Location Code field of the Location General tab by your MeetingBroker administrator.

Meeting Details

Receiver Currency

The currency of the business data record. If you selected a different currency for the report, this is the currency that the revenue was converted from using the exchange rates that were entered into MeetingBroker Administration by your subscription administrator.

Meeting Name

The name of the meeting in MeetingBroker.

Current Status

The business data status on the day you ran the report.

Account Name

The company name or agency name for the RFP, based on which one is associated with the primary meeting contact.

Business Start Date

The first date with guestrooms or events in business data.

Business End Date

The last date with guestrooms or events in business data.

First Date Definite

The first date that the business data status was saved as definite.



The total number of guestrooms in business data on the definite date.

Avg Rate

The average rate of the rooms consumed.

Total Revenue

Number of rooms multiplied by the average rate.


Total Revenue

The sum of the non-guestroom revenue types you selected on the report criteria page (Food, Beverage, Resource, Rental, or Other).