Potential RFP Match report

The Potential RFP Match report assists locations in identifying unlinked RFPs that may be duplicates of currently linked RFPs. This report will only produce results for locations that are integrated with Delphi and that have Link enabled.

If an RFP is linked to a booking in Delphi, the report will display other RFPs sent to the same location that have a matching start date and total number of guestrooms.

To run the report

  1. Click the Reports tab.

  1. Select Potential RFP Match Report from the list.

  2. In the Start Date fields, enter the range of arrival dates to include in the report or click the calendar button to select the dates.  

  3. In the Organization field, you can enter specific accounts to display in the report. If you want to display all accounts, leave the field blank.

  4. In the First Sent Date fields, you can enter the range of RFP sent dates to include in the report or click the calendar button to select the dates. If you want to include RFPs sent on any date, leave the fields blank.

  5. Select the statuses to include or leave this field blank to include RFPs of any status.

  6. Select the countries of the receiving locations to include or leave this field blank to include all countries. To select multiple countries, press and hold the CTRL key as you click.

  7. In the Receiver and Receiving Location fields, you can select specific users and locations to display in the report by clicking the Search Icon of a magnifying glass button. If you want to display all users and locations, leave the fields blank.

  8. Select whether you want to print the report in HTML or Microsoft Excel format.

  9. Click Create Report.

Report details

Candidate RFP

The RFP that is linked to a booking.

Potential Match RFP

Displays all RFPs that are not linked to a booking with the same start date and the same total number of guestrooms as the candidate RFP.


The unique identifier of the RFP in MeetingBroker.


If the RFP was sent by a public channel, displays the name of that channel. If the RFP was sent by a sister location or sales office in your MeetingBroker subscription, the field will be blank.

Meeting Name

The name of the meeting in MeetingBroker.


The company/account name associated with the primary contact for the RFP.

Receiving Location

The name of the location/property that received the RFP.

Sending Location

If the RFP was sent by a sister location or sales office in your MeetingBroker subscription, displays the name of that location. If the RFP was sent by a public channel, the field will be blank.


The RFP status such as New, Self-Awarded, Withdrawn, etc. (not the business data status).

Start Date

The first date with guestrooms or events.

Total Budget

Sum total of all guestroom and event budgeted revenue fields in the RFP. Calculated as Food Budget + Rental Budget + Resource Budget + Other Budget + Beverage Budget + (Budget Rate x Total Rooms). 

Total Rooms

The total of all guestrooms requested in the RFP.

Peak Rooms

The maximum number of guestrooms requested on a single day.

First Sent Date

The first date the RFP was sent to the location.