Subscription Monthly Summary report

The Subscription Monthly Summary report provides the total number of RFPs sent or received for each property by month.

The report summarizes guestroom and budget data for each property.

To run the report

  1. Click the Reports tab

  1. Select Subscription Monthly Summary from the list.

  2. For the Report Type, select whether you want to view sent leads or received leads.  

The Sent option includes both new and redirected leads.

  1. In the First Sent Date boxes, enter the range of origination dates (the date when the RFP was sent).

  2. Select one or more statuses for the RFPs you want to include in the report.  

  3. Select the currency to which you want to convert the report's revenue. ClosedMore
  1. Select one or more countries:

  1. If you selected the Received report type, select the channel.

Channels appear when they are configured for at least one location the user has access to.

  1. Do one of the following:

All active users within the subscription are displayed.

  1. Click the Search Icon of a magnifying glass button to select a location:

All locations within the subscription that you have access to are displayed.

  1. Select whether you want to print the report in HTML or Microsoft Excel format.

  2. Click Create Report.

Report details


The location or channel that originally sent the RFPs.


The location that received the RFPs.


Default currency of the receiving location.

Total Records

The number of RFPs sent (RFPs received when Received is selected as the report type).

Total Rooms

The total number of agreed guestrooms.

Rooms Original Budget

The potential revenue of sleeping rooms.

Rooms Budget Converted

The rooms budget converted to the currency of the receiving location.

Event Budget

The potential revenue of event space.

Event Budget Converted

The event budget converted to the currency of the receiving location.