Turn Down Analysis

This report lets you see how many of your turned down RFPs you tried to win by sending a proposal, and if the proposal you sent was for the primary or alternate dates.

To run the report

  1. Click the Reports tab.

  1. Select Turn Down Analysis from the list.

  2. To see only RFPs within a certain arrival period, enter the range into the Start Date fields. Leave blank to see all arrival dates.

  3. In the First Sent Date fields, enter the range of dates when the RFPs were received by the location.

  4. In the Receiving Location field, you can select specific locations to display in the report by clicking the SearchIcon of a magnifying glass button. If you want to display all locations to which you have access, leave the field blank.

  5. If you only want to see specific Lost Business Reasons, select them. If none are selected, all will be included.
  6. If you only want to see leads received from specific channels, select them. If none are selected, all will be included.
  1. Select whether you want to print the report in HTML or Microsoft Excel format.

  2. Click Create Report.

Report details

Location The name of the location that received the RFP
Proposed Primary Dates (Count) The total number of Turned Down RFPs that have had one or more proposals sent, and the last of those proposals was for primary dates
Proposed Primary Dates (%) Proposed Primary Dates (count) divided by Total Proposed
Proposed Alt Dates (count) The total number of Turned Down RFPs that have had one or more proposals sent, and the last of those proposals was for alternate dates

An alternative date proposal is one where either the associated room block or event block has the flag "is alternate dates" selected

Proposed Alt Dates (%) Proposed Alt Dates (count) divided by Total Proposed
Total Proposed (Count) Proposed Primary Dates (count) + Proposed Alt Dates (Count)
Total Proposed (%) Total Proposed divided by Total Turned Down
Total Not Proposed (Count) Total number of Turned Down RFPs that have never had a proposal sent
Total Not Proposed (%) Total Not Proposed divided by Total Turned Down
Total Turned Down (count) Total Proposed + Total Not Proposed
Total Turned Down (%) Total Turned Down divided by Total RFPs
Total RFPs (count) Total RFPs received at this location based on the selection criteria of the report
Total RFPs (%) Always 100% - provided for context and overall understanding of report