Create amenities
It's easy to add an amenity—you only need a few pieces of information.
- Enter Amenity Name. For example, Robe, Slippers-men, Pac 'n' Play, Pet Care - Dog. This will display as an option when creating a guest order.
- Enter Price. If it's a complimentary amenity, leave this field blank.
- Enter PMS Amenity Code as it is in Opera PMS. More than one HotSOS amenity item can reference the same PMS Amenity Code. For example, let’s say an Opera PMS Amenity Code for fruit is 10001. In HotSOS the hotel amenities might be a fruit plate, a fruit basket, apples, and oranges. Each amenity created would reference the same PMS Amenity code, 10001.
- Enter Amenity Code. Amenity codes are invaluable for reporting and tracking. Use alpha, numeric, or alpha-numeric.
Both PMS Amenity Code and Amenity Code are optional.
- Select a Delivery Issue to link to this amenity. If an appropriate delivery order does not exist, you can save the amenity, create a new delivery order, and reference it in the amenity later.
- Select from the following optional options as they apply:
- Click Is Asset for amenities that have a value to your property and the guest would be charged for damages or removing the amenity from the property. For example, mini-fridges, pac 'n' play, robes, and so forth. Refer to your property's standards & procedures for guidance.
- Click Is Billable if you are charging for the amenity.
- Click Is In Room Posting for this amenity to be available to room attendants and housekeeping supervisors in the Amenities option in HotSOS Housekeeping applications.
- When Active is selected (default), the amenity is available for use.

In the Available column, click the check box to the left of the language. More than one language may be selected.
- In the bottom bar, click
to move languages to the Selected column.
- Enter translation for each language selected.
- Click
to save.