Capture HotSOS Mobile error logs

HotSOS Mobile records error logs which can then be captured and sent to Amadeus for further examination. Amadeus is interested in collecting the logs created as a result of connectivity issues. Should you get this error message on your HotSOS Mobile: CONNECTION FAILED. Press OK to retry, tap the Green checkmark for OK to retry; tap the Image of an "X" to cancel. You are not required to capture and send the error logs, however, if you choose, you need to do so while you are still logged in. Follow these simple instructions to capture the error logs:

  1. Tap Actions Center icon button click to open Actions Center icon.

  2. Tap About button icon icon.

  3. Long press in error logs section.

  4. Tap Select all.

  5. Tap Copy.

  6. In email or text message on the phone, tap Paste.

  7. Send to Amadeus support team.