Perform rounds

A round has one or more sub-orders, most often PM orders, service orders, or inspections. You start and complete the sub-orders in addition to starting the round. Which do you start first? It doesn't really matter. If you start the round, you will have to start a sub-order, but if you open the round and start a sub-order, the round will automatically be started. Each sub-order will need to be completed or skipped.

  1. Tap to open the round.
  2. Tap Sub-order
  3. Tap to start both round and a sub-order.
  4. .While the sub-orders can be done in any order, you may want to use the priority as a guide (1, most urgent, 5, least urgent).
  5. Tap Service Orders Response Icon when the sub-order is complete.
  6. Tap Green checkmark for OK to confirm complete.
  7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 until all sub-orders have been completed.
  8. Tap Service Orders Response Icon on the round order when all the sub-orders are done.