Add Advanced Booking as a Template Type value

The following steps provide instructions on how to add Advanced Booking as a Template Type value. This feature requires R9 (version 1.73) or later. To determine the release installed in your org, see Installed Packages.

For assistance with any feature configuration, contact your Amadeus sales representative to learn more about our Professional Services offerings.

To add Advanced Booking as a Template Type value

  1. Go to Setup > Create > Objects > Document Template.
  2. Navigate to the Custom Fields & Relationships section and click Template Type.
  3. Navigate to the Picklist Values related list and click New.
  4. In the box, enter Advanced Booking as a new value (note exact spelling, spacing, and casing).
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Picklist Values section, click the Reorder button.
  7. Select the Sort Value Alphabetically checkbox, and then click Save.