Add the Diagrams section to the Booking page
If you have purchased Delphi Diagramming integration and upgraded from a version before R41, a corporate administrator must add the Diagrams section to the Booking page.
To determine the release installed in your org, see Installed Packages.
If you are interested in this integration, contact your Amadeus sales representative.
Add the Diagrams section to the Booking page
- Go to Setup > Create > Objects > Booking.
- Point to the Page Layouts link and click Edit next to Booking Layout.
- From the Booking Layout palette, drag a new section onto the layout under the Booking Events section.
- In the Section Properties window (opens automatically), do the following:
- In the Section Name, enter Diagrams.
- Select the 1-Column layout and click OK.
- In the Booking Layout toolbar, click Visualforce Pages.
- Drag BookingEventsDiagramsImagesInline to the Booking Event Diagrams section you just created.
- Click Properties
on the Visualforce page you just added and do the following:
- Set the Height to 200.
- Select the Show scrollbars checkbox.
- Click OK.
- Click Save at the top of the Booking Layout page.
- Repeat this entire procedure for the Event Only Booking Layout if you have any properties without guestrooms.