Enable RFP activities

With the RFP activities feature in R23, you can monitor your RFPs from one central location—your Home page. Simply go to My Tasks to see which RFPs have been updated, cancelled, withdrawn, or awarded. This makes it incredibly easy to track and follow up on your leads in a timely manner. When converting the inquiry to a booking, you can copy the inquiry's activities to the booking and, if you want, you can close all open activities on the inquiry—it’s completely up to you.

The following steps need to be completed to enable the RFP activities feature at a property:

  1. Add the RFP activity fields to the Property page layout - corporate administrator
  2. Enable the RFP activities feature for the property - corporate or property administrator
  3. Select notification types for activities - each Sales & Catering user

Add the RFP activity fields to the Property page layout

  1. Go to Setup > Create > Objects > Property.
  2. Go to the Page Layouts section and click Edit next to Property Layout.
  3. In the Layout toolbar, click Fields.
  4. Drag the following fields to the layout under the MeetingBroker Information section: Create Activities for RFP Notifications and Activity Type.
  5. Click Save at the top of the Property Layout page.
  6. Repeat this entire procedure for the Event Only Property Layout.

Enable the RFP activities feature for the property

  1. Open the property where you want to create activities for RFP notifications.
  2. Under the MeetingBroker Information section, do the following:
    • Select the Create Activities for RFP Notifications checkbox on the Property page. This tells the system to reference the Amadeus User Settings page and create activities for the RFP notification types the user has selected.
    • In the Activity Type picklist, select the type of activity that needs to be created when an RFP notification is received from MeetingBroker (for example, Other).
  3. Click Save.

Select notification types for activities

The Amadeus User Settings page displays the different MeetingBroker notifications that can be created as RFP activities. You must have access to at least one property where the feature is enabled to see the RFP Activity Notifications section of the page. Additionally, the options that you select apply to all properties where the feature is enabled (they are not property specific).

  1. Click the Amadeus User Settings tab.
  2. Under RFP Activity Notifications, do the following:
    • Select the checkbox next to each notification type you want to create as an activity. Activities can be created on the inquiry, the booking, or both.
    • If you want an activity to be marked complete when it’s created, select the Mark Complete checkbox. The activity won’t display on your My Tasks list on your Home page, nor will it trigger any due date reminders. To view the activity, open the associated inquiry or booking and go to the Activity History related list.
    • If you don’t want an activity to be marked complete when it’s created, leave the Mark Complete checkbox cleared. The activity will display in your My Tasks list and you’ll be reminded when it’s due. You can also view the activity in the Open Activities related list on the associated inquiry or booking. After you’ve completed the activity, you can manually mark it complete.
  3. Click Save.