Enable default occupancy upcharge

On the Property page, administrators can define a default upcharge amount for double, triple, and quad occupancies—this saves sales managers from having to manually enter those rates. In the booking, when a sales manager enters the single guestroom rate, the double, triple, and quad rates automatically populate based on the upcharge amount (single rate entered + upcharge amount).

This feature requires R36 or later. To determine the release installed in your org, see Installed Packages. To schedule your complimentary update to the latest version, contact Amadeus Support.

To enable double, triple, and quad rate upcharge

  1. Navigate to Properties and select your property.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Guestroom Configuration section, select Enable Default Occupancy Upcharge.
  4. Enter the amount that should be added to the single guestroom rate in the Double, Triple, and Quad Upcharge Rate fields.
  5. Click Save.
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R36 release notes