Backlog and go-live process

This topic applies to R41 and lower. If you're on R42 or higher (released July 2021), see the Backdating bookings topic. To determine the release installed in your org, see Installed Packages.

When you purchase a new sales and catering system, your property usually already has business on the books. You need to enter all of those existing bookings before you can really use the system to check availability – nobody wants to double-book the ballroom!

The process of populating your new product with all current bookings is called backlog entry. While you’re entering existing bookings, you want to make sure you accurately record the dates to reflect the true lead time and correct month that they went definite. If you don’t back date them, the reports will make it look like you turned everything definite this month, and the owners will wonder why you can’t make those numbers again next year.

So, for a short time, we allow you to back date the following fields:

While you’re entering backlog, we turn off our tracking system that records those important date changes (called Booking Day Snapshots). This means you can’t use our suite of performance reports that compare your progress to making budget and goals. Therefore, you want to complete your backlog entry as quickly as possible.

The go-live process


During your installation, your Amadeus Training Specialist will work with you to estimate a target date for the completion of backlog entry, and submit a request for that date to Amadeus Support, copying your Property and Corporate Administrators. Support will then contact you with details on the next steps. If your backlog entry takes longer than expected and the date for the go-live needs to be adjusted, notify Support as soon as possible. For scheduling purposes, Support requires a minimum notice of five business days.

Every effort will be made to schedule a date and time that will have the least impact on day to day operations, as the process requires that users are logged out of the system.


A few days prior to the scheduled date, Support will create a view on the Bookings tab to verify that all bookings include a Last Status Date. You will be notified of any missing data via email. If any missing dates are found on the scheduled go-live day, you will be rescheduled.

Day of

Support will contact you to ensure all users are logged out, and then begin the process of turning on Booking Day Snapshots so your performance reports will work. They will also enable the validation rules that prevent the back-dating of bookings. Based on the number of bookings entered, the process may take up to 60 minutes. You will be notified when it's complete and full use of the system can be resumed.