Overview: Revenue breakdowns

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When you create a menu, you can specify the menu's revenue breakdown by allocating amounts of the total menu price to the appropriate revenue classifications.

For example, a brunch menu for 30.00 includes food items and an alcoholic beverage. Because this menu has both food and beverage items, the total price can be allocated as follows: 20.00 to Food and 10.00 to Beverage.

Some detailed menus include items sold on consumption. These items are not included in the revenue breakdown, since they are priced individually and allocate revenue based on the assigned revenue classification.

A revenue breakdown is still required when the entire menu price is attributed to a single revenue classification.

In addition to revenue reporting, the revenue breakdown is used to decide which taxes apply to the menu on the banquet check. For example, your property has a 4.0% liquor tax. Your menu is 95.00 per person with 60.00 allocated to Food and 35.00 allocated to Beverage. The banquet check displays 95.00 as the price of the menu, but the 4.0% liquor tax only applies to the 35.00 allocated to Beverage.

A menu's price needs to match the sum of the revenue breakdowns. This ensures correct taxing on the banquet check and accurate revenue reporting.

The revenue breakdowns display in the Editing Item Details window when users add the menu to an event.

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