Topics: Blocking guestrooms | Multiple room blocks | Remove room blocks or room types | Keyboard shortcuts | Entering pickup


After you've created your booking, you can go ahead and block the guestrooms. To get started, click the Manage Guestrooms button at the top of the Booking page, then click New Room Block. If you sell into multiple properties, when you are prompted, check the property, then enter or confirm the room block name and click Save.

In the Guestroom Details window, the ROH—Run of House room type is automatically displayed. You can enter your rooms there, or to block a specific room type, click Add Room Types. Select the rooms you want to block and then click Add—they'll be added to the grid below Run of House.

Next, enter the number of guestrooms and rates for each night directly into the grid. You can specify the following values:

When you're done, click Save at the top of the window to save your changes and then click Close to close the window and return to the booking.

To enter guestrooms for single, double, triple, or quad occupancy, just type a slash (/) between the occupancies for both guestrooms and rates. In the example above, we blocked five single and 15 double-occupancy Executive King rooms.

Blocking guestrooms

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Now that you've had a chance to review the steps for blocking guestrooms, watch this video to see the process in action.

Keyboard Shortcuts

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Save time entering your customer's guestroom requirements using the room block shortcut keys. We'll show you how easy it is to enter the rooms and rates on day one and copy through departure.

Multiple room blocks

Occasionally, you might have a booking that requires different rates for the same room type.  For example, you might have offered a discounted rate for the staff rooms in your conference booking and now you need 45 King Rooms at the rate of 199.00 along with three King Rooms for staff at 129.00.

You can offer the same room type with a different rate by creating a new room block. Click the New Room Block button in the Guestrooms window, enter a different room block name, and then just repeat the same steps you followed to create the original room block.


Remove room blocks or room types

If you no longer need the staff room block, it's easy to remove. Use Modify Room Block to open the block and then click Remove Room Block. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

If you only need to remove a single room type, right click over the room type and select Remove Room Type—you're not prompted to confirm the deletion.

Entering pickup

Once your group has departed you enter pickup on your room block and mark pickup complete. When all room blocks on a booking are marked pickup complete, your reports will reflect actual guestroom revenue rather than blocked revenue making reporting much more accurate.

For each room type and day, enter the number of picked up rooms and the pickup rate, then click Save.

To mark the pickup complete click Modify Room Block, select the Pickup Complete check box and Save.

Quiz Time

  1. Your client needs 10 King guestrooms and two Suites. How can you add these additional room types in the Guestrooms window?
    • Click the Add Room Types button and select the required guestroom types.
    • Click directly into the grid and type the name of the required guestrooms.
    • At the bottom of the window, place a check mark next to the required guestroom types to add them to the grid.
  2. Your client needs to reduce his guestroom block from 20 guestrooms to 17 guestrooms. The image below is displaying the Guestrooms section on the Booking page. To update the guestroom block, what should you do?

    Guestrooms Quiz Time
    • Enter the new values directly into the grid.
    • Click the Details button and update the guestroom requirements.
    • In the Room Block Name field, select Edit Room Block.


Your first step in adding guestrooms is to open the booking, and open the Guestrooms window. From there, you can select the guestroom types and enter the number of guestrooms and rate per night. As you work in the Guestrooms window, you will notice that information such as peak rooms, average rate, total revenue, and roomnights—updates automatically. This is handy when you are on the phone with a client or for simply double-checking your work. If the average rate is very low, perhaps you forgot to specify a rate.

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