Catering Pace report

Use the Catering Pace report to measure your current pace relative to budget and compare your definite event production to any of the last five year's actuals. Here are some things to keep in mind when you're reviewing the report details:

You should run the Catering Pace report monthly to do the following:

This report is only available if you have R40 or later.

How can I tweak the report data?

The Report Options you select determine what is displayed in the report data. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Report Options Tips
Beginning Activity Date

Ending Activity Date

Any bookings that were created or modified during the activity date range will be included in the report. Activity date range is typically last month.

Compare To

Based on the date parameters selected for Beginning/Ending Activity Date or Beginning/Ending Consumption Date the report will display the data for the same date range from last year, or up to 5 years ago.

For example:

  • If consumption dates are 1st June 2019 to 31st May 2020 then last year would be 1st June 2018 to 31st May 2019.
  • If consumption dates are 1st Jan 2019 to 31st Dec 2019 then 2 years ago would be 1st Jan 2017 to 31st Dec 2017.
Beginning Consumption Date

Ending Consumption Date

Any events that are in house during this date range will be included in the report. Consumption date range is typically the first day of last month through the end of booking time.

Consumption refers to the actual dates that revenue is generated, regardless of the booking's arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking is in house December 29 – January 2, and you run the report using a consumption date range of December 1 – December 31, only those events on Dec. 29, Dec. 30, and Dec. 31 will be included.

Here are a few examples of how you might set the activity and consumption date ranges for the Catering Pace report:

  • To see activity that took place in the month for the month, set both date ranges the same.
  • To see activity that took place last month for groups that will be in house anytime in the future, set the activity date range to last month and the consumption date range to the end of booking time.
Properties If you sell multiple properties, you can include them in the report. Only those properties you have access to are shown.

Booking Market Segments

Booking Types

By default all market segments and booking types are included.

Booking Owners Booking changes made by these booking owners during the activity date range will be included in the report. Typically, this report is run for all booking owners (the default setting); however, you can select specific booking owners to run it against.
Revenue Types By Default, all Banquet and Catering bookings that met your search criteria will be included in the report. If needed, select to include only those bookings classified as Banquet, or Catering, and/or In House.
Revenue Classifications By default, all revenue classifications are included.
Show Section By default, both Detail and Summary are selected.

Group By

By default Revenue Type is selected.

Show Detail

By default, Expanded is selected.

Show Event Revenue Detail

When selected the event revenue for each month in the consumption date range will be broken down into the individual parent revenue classifications and displayed on the report. This includes Food, Beverage, Resource, Audio Visual, Administrative Charge, Other and Function Room Rental. This allows you the ability to view all revenue streams in more detail.

How do I run the report?

Click View Report. Here are a few additional things you can then do:

What does it all mean?

The following information is displayed for each month in the consumption date range:

Revenue Changes from <<activity date range>>
New Definite Event revenue that turned definite during the activity date range.
Lost The decrease in event revenue from bookings whose status changed to Lost, Cancelled, or Turned Down during the activity date range.
Revals An increase or decrease in event revenue during the activity date range. For example, a welcome dinner is added to a booking during the activity date range, resulting in a positive reval. Or, the expected attendance for an event drops by 10% during the activity date range, resulting in a negative reval.
Net The final change in event revenue during the activity date range.

(New Definite) - (Lost/Downgrade) +/- (Reval)

Definite as of <<activity end date>>

Total Revenue

Definite event revenue on the books at the end of the activity date range.
  • Event Revenue: (Definite revenue at start of activity date range) +/- (Net Change)
Act LY - 5Y
Actual event revenue consumed for the same activity date range of the previous year selected in the Compare to field.
(Same Time)
Definite event revenue on the books for the same activity date range of the previous year selected in the Compare to field.
Budget The monthly budget goal for definite event revenue.
Var LY- 5Y
Total- Act from previous year
(Variance to Same Time)
Total - ST from previous year
Var BGT(Variance to Budget) Total - Budget
Total / Act from previous year

Total / ST from previous year

Total / Budget

Tentative & Prospect as of <<activity end date>>
Tentative Total tentative event revenue on the books at the end of the activity date range.
Prospect Total prospect event revenue on the books at the end of the activity date range.

The data in the report can be delayed by up to 15 minutes. If the data doesn't match what you expect to see, run the report again.