Overview: Inclusive pricing

If you quote rates for food and beverage, guestrooms, or function space inclusive of taxes, administrative fees, or gratuity, the inclusive pricing feature makes it simple for you to provide estimates and quote rates on-the-fly. No calculator needed.

When enabled, both inclusive and exclusive fields display to users throughout the system. Administrators enter inclusive prices in Setup. If needed, users can modify these prices in the application. The exclusive price will be adjusted accordingly based on the inclusive price that is entered. Likewise, if users modify the exclusive price, we will re-calculate and display a new inclusive price.

When the inclusive pricing feature is enabled by the corporate administrator, a set of inclusive merge templates are added. Property administrators can select the appropriate types of contracts, BEOs, and banquet checks to use.

All reports use exclusive prices to calculate revenue values.

To begin using inclusive pricing, first a corporate administrator needs to enable the feature. Then each property administrator must complete a few tasks, as described below.