Delphi Diagramming R10 release notes

Delphi Diagramming makes it easy for you to design professional room plans to help your customer truly visualize their event. Bring your tablet to onsite visits to create highly detailed and accurate room plans—and then watch your customer's vision come to life in 3D.

New features and enhancements

Resources Editor enhancements

The following features are now available in the Resources Editor:

Choose whether to have Live Updates in Design Mode

Live Update provides you with a robust user experience by rendering your canvas in real-time when you move or rotate objects. Prior to R10, Live Update was always enabled in the background of Delphi Diagramming. Now you can choose to disable this feature to improve the performance of Delphi Diagramming when you’re manipulating a large number of objects at one time. Objects will display in less detail as you work with them for a more responsive experience.


You can now use your device’s GO button or ENTER key in place of a click to trigger an action button (for example, OK or Create).

When you’re searching for a booking by name, you can quickly clear the text you’ve entered by clicking the “X” in the search box.

Fixed issues

CR223396, CR242537: 3D mode now renders walls correctly when architectural features jut into your room.

CR234166: Numbering is now available when you open a diagram in Design Mode and then revert back to Automatic Layout.

CR235329: You can now save a diagram after it’s been refreshed.