Overview: Email Only locations and users

A location that requires no MeetingBroker interaction aside from receiving an email link to an RFP Recap can be created as an email only location.

When an RFP is sent to an email only location, the following conditions apply:

Creating an email only location

When creating a new location, select the Email Only Property check box on the Location General page.

The Email Only Property check box cannot be edited when users are associated with the location. To clear the check box, you must first remove the access to this location from all users.

Email only users

The only types of users that can be added to email only locations are email only users. The intent for these users is that they will receive the email messages for new or updated RFPs sent to their location, access the RFP Recap, and then no further access to MeetingBroker is required.

The following conditions apply to email only users:

Create an email only user

When creating a new user, select the Email Only User check box.

The Email Only User check box cannot be edited when the user is associated with a location. To clear the check box, you must first remove the access of this user from all email only locations.