R25 release notes

These release notes describe the features and fixed issues included in R25. To determine whether R25 has been installed in your organization, go to Setup > Build > Installed Packages and look for Sales & Event Management version number 1.171.3. To schedule your update to the latest version, contact Amadeus Support.

For assistance with any feature configuration, please contact your Amadeus sales representative to learn more about our Professional Services offerings.

New features and enhancements

Instructions for enabling the R25 features can be found in the following topics:

All other features are enabled for you when you install the R25 package.

Streamline guestroom tables in merge documents (CR0121416, CR0121853, CR0122099, CR0090306, CR0127290)

You want your contracts and booking checks to be clean, streamlined, and easy to read. With the new Advanced Booking Display Options on the Document Template page, an administrator can now exclude certain guestrooms from the tables in your merge documents. This ensures that your customers see only those guestroom details that are relevant to their booking. The following options are available:

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Room block keyboard shortcuts (CR0090380)

To help you block and modify guestrooms more quickly, the following keyboard shortcuts have been added to the Room Block Details window for the Agreed, Forecasted, and Blocked rows:

Your corporate administrator can enable this org-wide feature by selecting Enable Room Block Shortcuts on the Amadeus Settings page.

Apply admin and gratuity to discount price (CR0090537)

Before R25, admin and gratuity were always calculated using the base price of a menu or item. Some properties, however, may want to apply those charges to the discount price instead. If this is your property’s standard, you’ll want to take advantage of the new Apply Admin & Gratuity to Discount Price check box. Your administrator can select this check box for each applicable revenue classification—both corporate and property. Some properties may want to apply admin and gratuity to the discount price across the board, while others may choose to enable this feature for specific revenue classifications only. Delphi gives you this flexibility. And if you ever need to change how admin and gratuity are calculated for an individual menu or item, you can always do so using the Apply Admin & Gratuity to Discount Price check box in the Editing Item Details window.

If the type of business determines how admin and gratuity are calculated at your property, you may want to implement this feature on an event-by-event basis rather than setting defaults at the revenue classification level. For example, you may always use the base price except for in-house groups which are charged using the discount price. If this is how your property operates, select Apply Admin & Gratuity to Discount Price in the Edit Multiple Events window, the Booking Events grid, or on the Booking Event page. This automatically calculates admin and gratuity for every menu and item on the event using the discount price regardless of the check box setting in the Editing Item Details window.

If you need to manage admin and gratuity differently for the various menus and items on an event, do not select Apply Admin & Gratuity to Discount Price on the event. Instead, use the check box in the Editing Item Details window to apply admin and gratuity to either the base price or the discount price, as needed. For example, you may want to calculate admin and gratuity using the discount price of your food items but the base price of your AV items.

Guestroom Bookings – Total Rooms and Avg Rate (CR0127226)

The Guestroom Bookings section of the Availability page now shows Total Rooms and Avg Rate for the entire guestroom pattern—not just those days that are currently being viewed.

If a booking has multiple room blocks, select the Room Block Details check box to see the Avg Rate and Total Rooms for each block.

For cross-property bookings, be sure to display all relevant properties on the Availability page and select the Room Block Details check box. This allows you to see the Avg Rate and Total Rooms for each room block at each property. You’ll find the Avg Rate and Total Rooms for the entire booking under the property where the booking was created.

Exclude inactive events (CR0127024, CR0091429)

When you work with repeat business, the easiest way to create future bookings is to clone an existing one. Some of your bookings may contain inactive events—that is, events with a status of Booking Cancelled, Event Cancelled, Lost, or Turned Down. Because you probably don’t want to copy these events to the new booking, the Clone Booking page now displays only active events by default. Any time you want to copy the booking’s inactive events, simply select the new Include Inactive Events check box. The Clone Booking page will then display all events on the booking—both active and inactive.

Similarly, the Manage Menus and Items page also displays only active events by default, which is especially helpful when you’re detailing a complicated program and only want to see those events that require your attention. If you ever do need to access an inactive event, the new All Events Including Inactive option in the Events picklist gives you that flexibility.

Opera PMS integrations (CR0122599)

The PMS ID/Group Code field on the Booking page can now be configured to be a required field for event only bookings (depending on the specified booking status for the integration). Entering a PMS ID into this field sends the event only booking to Opera. Additionally, certain market segments may be excluded from this requirement to prevent certain bookings from being sent to Opera—for example, in-house groups.

Fixed issues


CR0128370: Properties with large databases no longer receive an error message when they create events in the Function Diary.


CR0127059: You can now save a booking when you change its Status and Cutoff Date at the same time.

Events and BEOs

CR0122042: Occasionally, the changes you make to an event may not be saved due to another user updating the event at the same time. To ensure you don’t lose any of your changes, the following user friendly message is now displayed: “We’re unable to save your changes at this time. Please click Save again.”

CR0122317: All properties regardless of database size can now search for a menu or item using only part of its name.

CR0128461: Properties in orgs that contain more than 200,000 items can now add detailed menus to events when Do Not Print on Check is selected for the menu.


CR0122594: When an RFP inquiry includes a custom auto number or formula field, you can now confirm receipt of the inquiry, convert it to a booking, or link it to an existing booking. Additionally, all RFP messages are successfully generated.

CR0128217: An error message is no longer displayed when you convert an inquiry to a booking in orgs that have over 1,000 active users.

CR0128543: RFP inquiries can now be received, converted to bookings, and updated in orgs that have more than 50,000 tasks that aren't associated with a parent record (account, contact, booking, etc.).

MeetingBroker integration

CR0122048: The Milestone Status fields on the inquiry and booking now reflect the most current milestone status in MeetingBroker.

Merge documents

CR0121289: Merge documents now display the user’s local time zone in the PrintDate merge field.

CR0128191: The Locale picklist now displays on the Create Merge Document page and the Create Batch Merge Document page in orgs where the default locale is not English.

CR0128439: When you create a merge document from a cross-property booking, the Create Merge Document page now displays Advanced Booking document templates for the booking's property only.

Opera PMS integrations

CR0127474: The property’s default currency is now displayed in the Rate field on the Reservation Night page.