Account Listing report

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Use the Account Listing report to:

Additional information:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Account, Contact & Activity, click Account Listing.
  3. Complete the report criteria.
    Search details
    Market Segment, Lead Source, and RegionSelect the market segment, lead source, and region to display in the report.
    Property Currency

    If you have cross-property bookings where the primary currency is different at each property, select the currency you want to display. That currency determines which property's blended revenue is included in the account's revenue calculations. How is blended revenue calculated? ClosedWhen a BEO is marked done, the actual revenue is used to calculate the blended revenue. Otherwise, the forecasted revenue is used.
    When a room block is marked pickup complete, the picked up revenue is used to calculated the blended revenue. Otherwise, the blocked revenue is used.

    Include Accounts with Activities

    Include Accounts with Bookings

    These options can work together. For example, the report can display accounts with future activities and future bookings.
    State/ProvAll states are included by default. To filter, enter the state or province for the accounts you want to display. The report displays all accounts where the state or province begins with the text you enter. Your property can use full names or abbreviations. Follow your property's standards.

    Additional information:

    • Comma-separated values are not supported in this field.
    • This field works together with the Country field. If you enter data in both fields, the report displays only accounts that are located in that state or province and that country.
    • To see accounts from all states and provinces, leave this field blank.
    CountryAll countries are included by default. To filter, enter the country for the accounts you want to display. The report displays all accounts where the country begins with the text you enter. Your property can use full names or abbreviations. Follow your property's standards.

    Additional information:

    • Comma-separated values are not supported in this field.
    • This field works together with the State/Prov field. If you enter data in both fields, the report displays only accounts that are located in that state or province and that country.
    • To see accounts from all countries, leave this field blank.
    Account StatusChoose whether to include inactive accounts. If you do include inactive accounts, they are preceded by an asterisk (*) in the report results.

    This filter was added in version R38 (March 2020). If you run the report on a version lower than R38, the Active column displays in the results with all accounts showing as active regardless of their real status.

    Account OwnersAll account owners are included by default. To filter, adjust the selections in this field.

    This filter is only available with version R36 or higher.

  4. Click View Report.

    The report displays a list of accounts sorted alphabetically. The report includes the Account Address, Market Segment, and Lead Source fields. The Future Booking Revenue column displays each account's worth as blended revenue.

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