Overview: Reports

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Delphi includes a variety of reports to aid in booking cycle management and goal achievement. These reports are located on two tabs:

Your user profile determines which reports you can run. Reports only display data for those records you have access to. The following tables give a brief description of each of the reports that are available. Click a report name to learn how to run that report and view its data.

You can also run the Account Hierarchy report from the Account page and the Booking Recap report from the Booking page.

Amadeus Reports tab

Account, contact, & activity reports

Activity Report This report displays the activities each member of your sales team has completed, or plans to complete, during a specified date range.
Account Listing Report This report displays a defined list of accounts and how much revenue they generate for your property.
Contact Listing Report This report displays a defined list of contacts and how much revenue they generate for your property.
Top Accounts Report This report displays a list of your top revenue-generating accounts.
Volume Contract Account Production Report Similar to the GRC report, this report displays actual versus forecasted numbers for volume contracts.

Booking reports

Block/Pickup Comparison Report This report displays original and current guestrooms, average rates, and guestroom revenue.
GRC Report This report displays the details of in-house groups for a specific date range.
Monthly Revenue and Guestroom Summary Report This report displays revenue totals for group bookings and volume contracts.
Daily Transactions Report This report displays a detailed list of revenue impacting booking activity for a specific date range.

Event reports

Banquet Check Revenue Summary Report This report displays a summary of the banquet checks and their associated revenue, taxes, administrative charges, and gratuities for a specified date range.
Change Log Report This report displays changes made to event orders after they have been distributed.
Cover Count and Revenue Summary Report This report displays the total number of attendees and revenue for each day by event classification.
Event Posting Report This report displays a list of events for a selected date range. The Post checkbox must be selected on the Booking Event page for the event to be included in this report.
Function Diary by Hour Report This report displays an hourly display of the Function Diary for a selected date range and time frame.
Function Diary by Time Period Report This report displays the Function Diary by time period (Morning, Lunch, Afternoon, Evening) for a selected date range.
Function Room Utilization Report This report displays function room use including time utilization, occupancy, and revenue for each function room or parent function room.
Item Inventory Report This report displays the current item inventory during a selected date range and time frame.
Kitchen Report This report displays a list of items needed at a specific date and time.

Pace & productivity reports

Booking Status Change Report This report displays how much revenue a Sales Manager has lost or gained over a period of time. This report includes new bookings, booking status changes, guestroom changes, and revenue changes.
Guestroom and Catering Pace Report This report displays your current pace relative to budget and compares your definite guestroom and event production to last year's actuals.
Guestroom Pace Report This report displays your current pace relative to budget and compares your definite guestroom production to a previous year's actuals, up to five years ago.
Catering Pace Report This report displays your current pace relative to budget and compares your event production to a previous year's actuals, up to five years ago.
Productivity Report This report displays definite guestroom and event production by Sales Manager and compares it to a previous year's figures, up to five years ago, and this year's goals.
Guestroom Pace Verification Report This report displays a detailed list of each booking that was included in the Guestroom Pace report, as long as you use the same criteria. You can use this report to help identify any potential data entry issues affecting the report totals.
Productivity Verification Report This report displays a detailed list of each booking that was included in the Productivity report, as long as you use the same criteria. You can use this report to help identify any potential data entry issues affecting the report totals.

To be discontinued reports

The reports in this section will eventually be removed. Amadeus releases new versions of our most popular reports to improve performance. The new reports are available under the Account, Booking, Event, and Pace & Productivity sections. The old reports are moved to this section. We encourage you to transition to the new reports and email support if you have concerns, or to tell us why you prefer the original reports.

GRC Report This report displays the details of in-house groups for a specific date range.
Productivity Report This report displays definite guestroom and event production by Sales Manager and compares it to a previous year's figures, up to five years ago, and this year's goals.

Reports tab

Report details
Business Contact Listing Report This report displays a list of contacts associated with bookings.
Catering Manager Lost Production Report This report displays lost catering revenue by manager for a selected date range.
Catering Manager Production Report This report displays definite, tentative, and prospect catering revenue by manager for a selected date range.
Catering Revenue Report This report displays catering revenue by property and event status for a selected date range.
Daily Events by Booking Report This report displays a list of events by booking for a selected date range.
Daily Events by Start Date Report This report displays a list of events by start date for a selected date range.
Event Listing Report This report displays a list of booking events for a selected date range.
Events without Event Orders Report This report displays a list of events that do not have an associated event order.
Group Business Pickup Report This report displays a summary of group business for a selected date range, including the number of agreed, blocked, and picked up rooms for each booking, and the booking's total revenue.
Group Lost Business Report This report displays a summary of bookings that your property cancelled or turned down for a selected date range.
Option Events Report This report displays a summary of booking events that have been added to a function room's waiting list.
Revenue Summary by Market Segment Report This report displays guestroom and event revenue by market segment for a selected date range.
Sales Manager Production Report This report displays guestroom and catering revenue by manager.
Sales Manager Production (Volume Contracts) Report This report displays volume contract actual guestroom and catering revenue by manager.
Top Agencies Report This report displays a list of your top revenue-generating agencies.
Top Contacts Report This report displays a list of your top revenue-generating contacts.
Unassigned Events Report This report displays a list of events in the Unassigned function room that need to be reassigned to an available function room.
Volume Contract Lost Business Report This report displays a summary of negotiated rate business that your property cancelled or turned down.
Volume Contract Pickup Report This report displays a summary of negotiated rate business including the actual number of rooms consumed and the revenue that was generated.
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