Top Accounts report

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The Top Accounts report displays the most profitable accounts at your property during a specified period.

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To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Account, Contact & Activity, click Top Accounts Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.
    Search details
    Consumption Start and End DateAny roomnights or events that are in-house during this date range are included.

    Consumption refers to the actual dates that revenue is generated, regardless of the booking's arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking is in-house December 29–January 2, and you run the report using a consumption date range of December 1–31, only those guestrooms and events on December 29-31 are included.

    Number of AccountsEnter the quantity of top-performing accounts you want to display. By default, the value is 10.
    Property CurrencySelect the currency to display.

    If you have cross-property bookings where the primary currency is different at each property, the selected currency determines which property's revenue is included in the account's revenue calculations.

    PropertiesSelect the properties to include in the report. Only properties you have access to are shown. By default, all are selected.
    Revenue Classifications

    Select the revenue classifications to display. Blended revenue totals are used for each category. How is blended revenue calculated? ClosedWhen a BEO is marked done, the actual revenue is used to calculate the blended revenue. Otherwise, the forecasted revenue is used.
    When a room block is marked pickup complete, the picked up revenue is used to calculated the blended revenue. Otherwise, the blocked revenue is used.

    Booking OwnersSelect the sales managers to include. By default, all are selected.
    Booking TypesSelect the Booking Types to include. By default, all are selected.
    Booking StatusSelect the Booking Statuses to include. By default, only active statuses are selected.
    Market Segment TypeSelect the Market Segment Type to include. By default, Account is selected.
    Market SegmentsThe values in this field change depending on your Market Segment Type selection. By default, all segments are selected.
    Account StatusSelect the Account Status to include. By default, Active is selected.
  4. Click View Report.

    The accounts are listed according to their generated blended revenue, displayed in the Total column. A breakdown of the total revenue displays in each of the Revenue Classifications you selected in the report criteria.

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