Top Accounts report

The Top Accounts report shows which accounts have been the most profitable at your property during a specified time frame. This can help you determine where you should be investing your advertising and marketing money. For example, if pharmaceutical companies are your biggest producers, you might want to advertise in their trade magazines. You can also use this information to cultivate relationships with customers—those box seats at a sporting event or concert can go a long way in growing and maintaining customer loyalty.

A few things to keep in mind:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Account, Contact & Activity, click Top Accounts Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.
    Consumption Start Date

    Consumption End Date

    Any roomnights or events that are in house during this date range will be included in the report's revenue numbers.

    Consumption refers to the actual dates that revenue is generated, regardless of the booking's arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking is in house December 29 – January 2, and you run the report using a consumption date range of December 1 – December 31, only those guestrooms and/or events on Dec. 29, Dec. 30, and Dec. 31 will be included.

    Property CurrencyIf you have cross-property bookings where the primary currency is different at each property, select the currency you want to report on. That currency determines which property's revenue will be included in the account's revenue calculations.
    PropertiesSelect the properties whose revenue you want to include in the report. Only those properties you have access to are shown.
    Market Segment TypeSelect Account, Booking, or Either.
    Market SegmentThis list changes depending of what you selected for the Market Segment Type. By default, all segments will be included in the report—you can select only the ones you want to report on.
    Booking TypeThis report is usually run for all booking types—including those that have been deleted—but you can select specific booking types to run it against.
    Booking StatusThe report includes Definite, Tentative, and Prospect bookings by default; however, you can also include Lost, Cancelled, and/or Turned Down bookings.
    Revenue Classification
    Booking OwnerThis report is usually run for all Sales Managers, but you can select specific Sales Managers to run it against.
    Number of AccountsIndicates how many of the top-performing accounts you want to include in the report. The default is 10, which means you'll see the top 10 accounts at your property.
  4. Click View Report.

    The report shows you the top-performing accounts at your property in order of revenue generated—take a look at the Total column to see each account's current worth. A breakdown of this total blended revenue is shown in each of the Revenue Classifications you selected to report on.

Here are a few additional things you can do after you've run the report: