Cover Count and Revenue Summary report

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The Cover Count and Revenue Summary report displays the total number of attendees and revenue for each day by event manager.

The catering manager can run this report:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Event, click Cover Count and Revenue Summary Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.

    You can select multiple values for some criteria fields. To do so, press the CTRL key while selecting each value you want to include.

    Search details
    Event Start Date and End DateAny events that are in-house during this date range are included.

    Event date refers to the actual dates that revenue was generated, regardless of the booking's arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking is in house March 30 – April 2, and the event start date range is March 1–31, only the events from March 30-31 are included.

    PropertySelect the property to include. Only properties you have access to are shown, and you can only select one property at a time.
    Event ClassificationSelect the event classifications to include. By default, all event classifications are selected.
    Event StatusSelect the event statuses to include. By default, all event statuses are selected.
    Revenue ClassificationSelect the revenue classifications to include. By default, all active revenue classifications are selected.
  4. Click Generate Report to view the report on-screen or Generate PDF to view the report as a PDF file that you can save or print.
  5. Review the report data.

    Search result details

    Covers count details

    CoversThis displays a count of attendees for each event classification by status. The total number of attendees for each date also displays.

    Covers are based on the current blended values.

    • If actual has been entered and is higher than guaranteed, then covers equals actual attendance.
    • If actual has not been entered or guaranteed is higher than actual, then covers equals guaranteed attendance.
    • If guaranteed has not been entered, then covers equals forecasted attendance.
    • If forecasted has not been entered, then covers equals agreed attendance.

    Revenue summary details

    RevenueThis displays the total revenue for each revenue classification by event status.

    All revenue figures are based on current blended values. When a booking event is marked done, the actual revenue is used to calculate the blended revenue. Otherwise, the forecasted revenue is used.

    Summary by event type and average checks details

    Summary by Event TypeThis displays the total covers for each event classification, as well as the total revenue by revenue classification. This information is provided for each selected event status.
    Average ChecksThis displays the average check by revenue classification by event status, for each event classification.
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Overview: Reports

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