Activity report

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The Activity report displays a list of outstanding and completed activities. With this report, you can track the number of appointments, prospecting calls, site visits, and more, for any user at your property.

You can run this report to see activity goal progress or future activities. You can also run this report to include a list of completed activities in a month-end report.

Additional information:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Account, Contact & Activity, click Activity Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.
    Search details
    Activity Date From

    Activity Date To

    Enter a date range to search for activities in a specific period. The date range cannot exceed three months.
    Display GoalsWhen you select Yes, the report includes a goal, the variance to goal, and a goal percentage for each activity type by user. Only the summary view is available.
    Display Report SectionActivity Details - This displays the user assigned to the activity as well as the activity's due date, status, associated account, and booking. If you select to include activity comments, they also display in the details.

    Summary - This displays the total number of outstanding and completed activities for each user.

    Select All - When you view the report, the Activity Details display first, followed by the Summary.

    Display Activities ofThis field defaults to Bookings. With this default, the report only includes activities that have a booking in the Related To field.

    The other option is Accounts. This includes all activities that have a contact that is linked to an account and the Related To field is not a booking. This option also includes activities related to volume contracts and inquiries.

    Activities not associated with a booking, account, or contact, for example an inquiry that only has a temporary account and contact, display when the person running the report is the Created By or Assigned To user.

    PropertiesSelect the properties you want to include in the report. Only those properties you have access to are included.
    Display ActivitySelect to include tasks, appointments, or both.
    StatusAppointment status is determined by its end date. A Completed status means the end date occurred before today. An end date of today's date or later, has an Outstanding status.
    Created BySelect the users to include in the report.
    Group By

    Sort By

    Use these fields to format your data.

    If you group or sort by Date/Time, and you also select to Display Tasks with No Due Date, those tasks display at the beginning of the report.

    Assigned ToSelect the users to include in the report.
    Display Activity CommentsIf you choose to display Activity Details in the Display Report Section, you can also include any related comments by selecting Yes here.

    If you choose to display Summary in the Display Report Section, comments cannot display.

    Display Tasks with No Due DateThis displays all outstanding and completed tasks that have no due date.

    This does not apply to appointments.

    Goal ConsumptionTo display Activity Goals in the report, select which goal you want to use: Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly.

    Before running this report, you need to know how your property's goals have been defined. The report does not calculate the goals unless you select the appropriate value.

    You can run the report for any activity date period regardless of how your goals are defined. For example, if your property uses weekly goals, you can still run the report for three months and the system calculates accordingly.

  4. Click View Report.

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Overview: Reports

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