Catering Manager Lost Production report


The Catering Manager Lost Production report displays catering lost revenue by manager over the specified period. Only booking events with a status of lost, cancelled, or turned down display.

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Reports.
  2. In the All Folders list, click Booking Reports.
  3. In the list of reports, click Catering Manager Lost Production Report.
  4. Set the report criteria, which includes filter updates and selections on how to group and summarize the information.
  5. Click Run Report if necessary.
  6. Review the report data.

    By default, the report is grouped first by Catering Manager, then by Property, and then by Booking Status. Groups are sorted in ascending order. To change the sort order of the data groups in the report, click one of the Sorted By fields. To change the sort order of the data within each group, click a bold column heading. An arrow pointing upward indicates the data is sorted in ascending order, such as A, B, C and 1, 2, 3. An arrow pointing downward indicates a descending order, such as Z, Y, X and 9, 8, 7.

    Wherever a link displays in the report, you can click it to open the associated record.

    The following table defines some fields and calculations found in the report.

    Search result details

    Booked DateThis is the date the booking was created.
    Status ModifiedThis is the date when the booking status was last modified.
    Blended <<Revenue Classification>> Revenue This is the total blended revenue on the booking for each revenue classification, for example, food, beverage, and resource. When a booking event is marked done, its actual revenue is used in each of these calculations. Otherwise, the forecasted revenue is used.
    Blended Revenue TotalThis is the total of all blended revenue on the booking as well as the function room rental.
    AgreedThis is the number of agreed attendees for the booking event.
    GuaranteedThis is the number of guaranteed attendees for the booking event.
    ActualThis is the number of actual attendees for the booking event.
    Average Per PersonThis is the Blended Revenue Total divided by the Current Attendance.
  7. Select one or more of the following based on your Salesforce experience:

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