Monthly Revenue and Guestroom Summary report

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Use this report to see both your group booking and volume contract revenue totals.

Additional information:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Booking Reports, click Monthly Revenue and Guestroom Summary Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.

    Search details
    Consumption Year Rooms and revenue that are in-house during the selected year display, with totals for each month.

    Consumption refers to the actual dates that revenue is generated, regardless of the booking's arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking is in-house December 29 of this year through January 2 of next year, and you run the report for this year, only those guestrooms on December 29-31 display.

    Properties Select the property to include. Only properties you have access to are shown.
    Include Booking/Volume Contracts Select to include group bookings, volume contracts, or both.
    Revenues Select to include Guestrooms, Events, or both.
    Revenue Classifications If you select to include event revenue, all classifications are included by default.
    Status Select the statuses to include.
    Booking Types Select the booking types to include.

    This field is not applicable when reporting on volume contracts only.

    Guestroom Select the guestroom attendance to display. By default, Blocked is selected.

    This field is not applicable when reporting on volume contracts only. Use the Volume Contract Guestroom field instead.

    Revenue Types Select the booking revenue types to display. By default, Banquet revenue is selected.

    This field is not applicable when reporting on volume contracts only.

    Volume Contract Types Select the volume contract types to display. By default, all are selected.

    This field is not applicable when reporting on bookings only.

    Volume Contract Types are only available with version R37 or higher.

    Volume Contract Guestroom Select the volume contract guestroom attendance to display. By default, Forecast is selected.

    This field is not applicable when reporting on bookings only.

    Owners Select the users to include.
    Market Segment Type Select which object's market segment value to include: Account, Booking/Contract, or Either. If Either is selected, the booking/contract market segment is used first, and then the associated account's market segment is used.
    Market Segments Select which market segments to include. By default, all are selected.
    Show Detail Select Expanded if you want each section to be open or Collapsed if you want them to be closed. You can adjust each section after you run the report.
    Group By By default, Market Segment is selected. Select to group the data by Booking/Contract Owners.
  4. Click View Report. The following information displays for each property, and then each month in the consumption year:

    Search result details
    Yearly Summary This is the number of rooms, the average rate, and the total revenue for each month during the consumption year, based on your criteria selections.
    Yearly Breakdown This is the same information as the Yearly Summary section, organized by Guestroom, Event, or Volume Contract revenue.
    Group By Summary If you select to group by market segment, each market segment displays with summary totals of all parameters included in the report criteria.

    If you select to group by Booking/Contract Owners, each sales manager displays.

    Group By Breakdown This is the same information as the Group By Summary section, organized by Guestroom, Event, or Volume Contract revenue.

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