Volume Contract Account Production report

When you negotiate a yearly rate agreement, the company generally promises a certain amount of guestrooms. The more they promise, the lower your rate for them. To make sure they're keeping their end of the bargain, enter actual consumption numbers in your volume contracts, and then run this report. Typically this report is used quarterly to review each account's actual vs. forecast numbers, and rates are reviewed or renegotiated with the accounts that aren't producing.

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Account, Contact & Activity, click Volume Contract Account Production Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.
Consumption Start and End Period Enter a date range to include accounts that have guestrooms during that time (usually year-to-date). The range can't exceed one year.
Property Currency If you have access to multiple properties, and some of the properties have different currencies, select the currency for the properties that you want to report on. The Properties list is then updated to include only properties with that currency.
Properties If you sell multiple properties, you can include them in the report. Only those properties you have access to are shown.
Market Segment Type If you group the report by market segment, or if you select only certain market segments to be included, select if you want the market segment on the contract, account, or either to be used. If Either is selected, we first pull based on the contract segment, and then pull based on the associated account's market segment.
Market Segments By default, all market segments will be included in the report. If needed, select only those segments you want to report on.
Volume Contract Types All types are included by default - adjust if necessary.

This field is dependent upon version R37 or higher.

Display Volume Contracts without Account If you select Yes, all contracts without an associated account will be grouped into a "None" section for Account Owner and Account respectively.
Account Owners By default, contracts from all Sales Managers will be included in the report (including those who are inactive). If needed, select only those users whose accounts you want to include.
Contract Owners By default, contracts from all Sales Managers will be included in the report (including those who are inactive). If needed, select only those users whose contracts you want to include.
Status Select the statuses you want to include - Prospect, Bid, or Contracted.
Volume Contract Guestroom Forecast is selected by default. You have the option to choose Contracted instead.
Show Detail When first viewing the results on screen, select Expanded if you want each section to be open, or Collapsed if you want them to be closed. You can then adjust each section after you run the report.
Group By Do you want subtotals by Account Owner or Market Segment?
  1. Click View Report.

You'll probably want to change the zoom to 200%. Each account with a volume contract in the date range is listed. As you scroll to the right, the total changes to rooms and revenue for the report's date range is displayed, followed by the monthly totals for Actual Rooms and Revenue, and the Variance to the forecasted amount.

The data in the report may be delayed by up to 15 minutes. If the data doesn't match what you'd expect to see, please run the report again in a few minutes.

Here are a few additional things you can do after you've run the report: