GRC report

The GRC report shows which groups are in-house during a specified date range and how many rooms have been blocked for each night of their stay.

The GRC report is useful for tracking what's on the books for future months and provides a convenient summary for weekly sales meetings.

Run the report by booking status or dig deeper and group by room block status. This separates each room block that could have a different status than the booking, providing a granular view, and more insight when forecasting. For a different approach, interrogate your guestroom data to identify room night, revenue, and average rate patterns by market segment.

A few things to keep in mind:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Booking, click GRC Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.
    Pattern Start Date/End DateEnter a date range to search for bookings that are in-house during that time. The current month is selected by default.

    Pattern Date refers to the guestrooms blocked on a specific date, regardless of the booking’s arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking’s arrival and departure dates are October 30 – November 3 and the Pattern Start and End Dates are October 1 – October 31, only the booking’s guestrooms on the 30th and 31st will be included in the report.

    PropertiesSelect the properties whose guestroom information you want to include in the report. You can only select properties you have access to.
    Booking OwnerBy default, bookings from all Sales Managers will be included in the report (including those who are inactive). If needed, select only those users whose bookings you want to include.
    StatusThe report includes Definite, Tentative, and Prospect bookings by default; however, you can also include Lost, Cancelled, and/or Turned Down bookings.
    Room Count TypesSelect to view one or more of the following:
    • Agreed – The number of rooms contracted with the group.
    • Forecast – The number of rooms you expect the group to consume.
    • Blocked – The number of rooms taken out of inventory for the group (default).
    • Picked Up - The actual number of rooms consumed by the group.

    When you run the GRC report with only Blocked selected as the Room Count Type, pickup numbers are shown if the entire booking has been marked pickup complete. Otherwise, blocked numbers are shown. A “Blk/Pck” label is displayed next to the booking name to indicate that the room counts might be blocked or pickup depending on the status of the Pickup Complete flag on the booking. A message is also displayed in the header of the report.

    Housing MethodBy default, all housing methods will be included in the report (including those that have been deleted). If needed, select only those methods you want to report on.
    Booking TypeBy default, all booking types will be included in the report (including those that have been deleted). If needed, select only those types you want to report on.
    Booking Market SegmentBy default, all booking market segments will be included in the report. If needed, select only those segments you want to report on.
    Group By:Select to view one of the following:
    • Booking Status– The total of all the booking's room blocks displayed in a single row based on the status of the booking (default).
    • RoomBlock Status Individual– Room blocks in separate rows based on their own status. For example, if you have two room blocks at prospect status, both will be displayed.
    • RoomBlock Status– The sum of room blocks belonging to the same booking and status in a single row under the status of the room block. For example, if you have two room blocks at prospect status, they will be combined and displayed under prospect.
    Market Segment InfoSelect Yes to group by market segment. This provides a second group under the status with a summary of room night, revenue, and average rate. In addition, select Include Monthly Total to see the overall totals by day and month.
    Display Booking ReferenceChoose between Post As or Abbreviation. The default selection is Abbreviation. When grouping by Booking Status or RoomBlock Status, select Post As to display the name of the booking.
    Additional InfoSelect Yes to add the following details to the report: Owner, Booked Date, Cutoff Date, Decision Due, Materialization %, PMS ID, Booked By, and Housing Method.
    Include Monthly TotalSelect Yes to display each month's total room count, guestroom revenue, and average rate.
  4. Click View Report.

    For each property and month in the pattern date range, the report groups bookings by status and then by arrival date. Click the booking name to open the Booking page.

    Booking Name/Abbreviation

    If the booking has been marked pickup complete, a caret symbol (^) is displayed next to the booking name. This can help you reconcile the GRC report against your PMS and confirm that groups are meeting their pickup requirements.

    The entire booking (not an individual room block on the booking) must be marked pickup complete for the caret to display.


    The number of rooms for each selected count type: Agr (Agreed), Fcs (Forecast), Blk (Blocked), and/or Pck (Picked Up). This information is displayed for each day in the report's date range.

    When you run the GRC report with only Blocked selected as the Room Count Type, pickup numbers are shown if the entire booking has been marked pickup complete. Otherwise, blocked numbers are shown. A “Blk/Pck” label is displayed next to the booking name to indicate that the room counts might be blocked or pickup depending on the status of the Pickup Complete flag on the booking. A message is also displayed in the header of the report.

    Avg RateThe average daily rate for the booked guestrooms.
    Total RmsThe total number of rooms for the selected date range.
    Total RevThe total guestroom revenue for the selected date range.
    Monthly TotalsThe room count, average rate, and revenue totals for each day in the selected date range. If the date range spans multiple months, the report data is grouped by month. If Market Segment Info is selected in the report criteria, a subtotal of each segment is included.
    The following information is displayed if you selected the Additional Info check box in the Report Options:
    OwnerThe booking owner.
    CutoffThe date by which the group is required to finalize the guestroom reservation (typically 30 days prior to the group's arrival).
    DueThe date by which the group is required to return the signed contract (typically 14 days after the booking is created).
    PMS IDThe reservation ID or code for the room block.
    BookedThe date the booking was created.
    HousingThe method the group will use to handle their guestroom reservations (for example, Individual Call-In or Reservation List).

Good to know:

When including additional information, the following items are version dependent:

R45 or higher:

R44 or higher:

Here's a quick reference of what's included in each of the groupings:

Group by Guestroom Information Display Booking Reference Additional Information
Booking Status The total of all room blocks on a booking displays in single row under the status of the booking. Booking Post As or Abbreviation Owner, Booking Cutoff Date, Decision Due, Booked Date, Materialization %, Booking Housing Method.
Room Block Status Individual Room blocks display in separate rows under their own status. Abbreviation - Room Block Name Owner, Booking Cutoff Date, Room Block Cutoff Date, Decision Due, Booked Date, Room Block PMS ID, Room Block Housing Method.
Room Block Status The sum of room blocks belonging to the same booking and status shows in a single row under the status of the room block. Booking Post As or Abbreviation Owner, Booking Cutoff Date, Decision Due, Booked Date, Materialization %.

Here are a few additional things you can do after you've run the report: