GRC report

The content of this page is specific to the Delphi product type only. If you are using the Delphi Core product type and want to learn more about the Delphi product type, contact your sales representative.

The GRC report displays which groups are in-house during a specified date range and the number of rooms that have been blocked for each night of their stay.

Organized by booking status, the GRC report can be used for tracking future bookings and provides a convenient summary for weekly sales meetings.

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under To Be Discontinued, click GRC Report.

This report is due to be replaced by the new version of the report in the Booking section of the Amadeus Reports page. With the new report, you can export to Excel, PDF, or another format. The new report has also been enhanced for better performance. Start using the new report and email support if you have concerns, or to tell us why you prefer this original version.

  1. Complete the report criteria. You can select multiple values for some criteria fields. To do so, press the CTRL key while selecting each value you want to include.
    Search details
    Pattern Start Date and Pattern End DateEnter a date range to include. Bookings with guestrooms during this time display. The pattern date range is typically today through the next 12 months.

    Pattern date refers to the actual dates that the guestrooms are consumed, regardless of the booking's arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking has rooms from March 30–April 2, and the pattern date range is March 1–31, only the guestrooms from March 30-31 display.

    PropertiesSelect the properties to include. You can only select properties you have access to and your default property is selected by default.
    Booking Market SegmentBy default, all booking market segments are included in the report.
    Housing MethodsBy default, all housing methods are included in the report, including those that have been deleted.
    Booking TypesBy default, all booking types are included in the report, including those that have been deleted.
    Booking OwnersBy default, bookings from all sales managers are included in the report, including those who are inactive.
    Booking StatusBy default, Definite, Tentative, and Prospect bookings are included in the report. You can also include Lost, Cancelled, and TurnedDown bookings.
    Room Count TypesBy default, Blocked is selected. Select to view one or more of the following:
    • Agreed – This is the number of rooms contracted with the group.
    • Forecast – This is the number of rooms you expect the group to consume.
    • Blocked – This is the number of rooms taken out of inventory for the group.
    • Picked Up - This is the actual number of rooms consumed by the group.

    When you run the report with only Blocked selected, picked up numbers display if the entire booking has been marked pickup complete. Otherwise, blocked numbers are shown. A 'Blk/Pck' label displays next to the booking name to indicate that the room counts might be blocked or picked up values. This depends on the status of the Pickup Complete flag on the booking. A message also displays in the header of the report.

    Additional InfoSelect this checkbox to add the following booking details to the report: Booked Date, Cutoff Date, Decision Due, Res ID, Booked By, and Housing Method.
    Monthly TotalsSelect this checkbox to display each month's total room count, guestroom revenue, and average rate.
  2. Click Generate Report to view the report on-screen or Generate PDF to view the report as a PDF file that you can save or print.
  3. View the report details.

    The report groups bookings first by status and then by arrival date. Click the booking name to open the Booking page.

    Search report details
    Booking Name and AbbreviationIf the booking has been marked pickup complete, a caret symbol (^) displays next to the booking name. This can help you reconcile the GRC report against your PMS and confirm that groups are meeting their pickup requirements.

    The entire booking must be marked pickup complete for the caret to display.

    RCTThis is the number of rooms for each selected room count type: Agr (Agreed), Fcs (Forecast), Blk (Blocked), and Pck (Picked Up). This information displays for each day in the date range.

    When you run the report with only Blocked selected, picked up numbers are shown if the entire booking has been marked pickup complete. Otherwise, blocked numbers are shown. A 'Blk/Pck' label displays next to the booking name to indicate that the room counts might be blocked or picked up values. This depends on the status of the Pickup Complete flag on the booking. A message also displays in the header of the report.

    Avg RateThis is the average daily rate for the booked guestrooms.
    Total RmsThis is the total number of rooms for the selected date range.
    Total RevThis is the total guestroom revenue for the selected date range.
    Monthly TotalsThese are the room count and revenue totals for each day in the selected date range. If the date range spans multiple months, the report data is grouped by month.

    Additional information details

    The following information displays if you selected the Additional Info checkbox in the report criteria:

    OwnerThis is the booking owner.
    CutoffGroups are required to finalize the guestroom reservation by this date. This is typically 30 days before the group's arrival.
    DueGroups are required to return the signed contract by this date. This is typically 14 days after the booking is created.
    Res IDThis is the booking's reservation ID or code.
    BookedThis is the date the booking was created.
    HousingThis is the method the group uses to handle their guestroom reservations, for example, Individual Call-In or Reservation List.
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