Contact Listing report

The Contact Listing report can be used to create lists for things like email blasts, to look for individuals to visit on a sales trip, or to invite to customer events.

A few things to keep in mind:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Account, Contact & Activity, click Contact Listing Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.

    Market Segment, Lead Source, and Region

    These options are for the contact's account. They default to having all selected, but you can adjust those settings if you just want to pull contacts that are on corporate accounts, etc.

    State/ProvEnter the state or province for the contacts you want to report on. The report will include all contacts whose state/province begins with the text you enter. For example, if you enter "NH", you'll see all contacts where "NH" has been entered in the State field. If you enter "New", only those contacts with "New Hampshire" in the State field will be displayed.

    Good to know:

    • Comma-separated lists are not currently supported in this field.
    • This field works together with Country—so if you enter data in both fields, you're telling the system to find all contacts who are located in that state AND that country. Most of the time, you'll probably use one field or the other—not both.
    • To see contacts from all states/provinces, leave this field blank.
    CountryEnter the country for the contacts you want to report on. The report will include all contacts whose country begins with the text you enter. For example, if you enter "US", you'll see all contacts where "US" or "USA" has been entered in the Country field, but you won't see contacts where "United States" has been entered.

    Good to know:

    • Comma-separated lists are not currently supported in this field.
    • This field works together with State/Prov—so if you enter data in both fields, you're telling the system to find all contacts that are located in that state AND that country. Most of the time, you'll probably use one field or the other—not both.
    • To see contacts from all countries, leave this field blank.
    Property Currency

    The report includes a column for Future Blended Revenue. Select the currency for the properties that you want to see revenue from. This does not impact or filter the contact results.

    Include Contacts with Activities

    Include Contacts with Bookings

    These options work together—for example, you can report on contacts with Future Activities AND Future Bookings.
  4. Click View Report.

    The report shows you a list of contacts sorted alphabetically by account. Deciding who should get a top-tier gift and who should get just a card this holiday season? Check out the Future Blended Revenue column. There you'll see the blended revenue from bookings where that individual is the contact.

Here are a few additional things you can do after you've run the report: