Block/Pickup Comparison report

The Block/Pickup Comparison report displays original and current guestrooms, average rates, and guestroom revenue. The report considers only bookings—volume contracts are not included.

The Block/Pickup report lets you:

You should run this report weekly to:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Booking, click Block/Pickup Comparison Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria. Some of the criteria fields allow you to select multiple values. To do so, press the CTRL key while clicking each value you want to include in the report.
    Booked Date From and ToEnter the date range for the bookings you want to report on. Only bookings that were created during that time period will be included in the report. The default is the current month.
    Consumption Year From and ToEnter a date range for the guestrooms you want to report on. Only guestrooms consumed during that time period will be included in the report. The default is the current year.

    Consumption refers to revenue generated on a specific date, regardless of the booking’s arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking’s arrival and departure dates are 12/29 – 1/2, the guestroom information will be allocated appropriately between the two years.

    PropertySelect the properties whose guestroom changes you want to include in the report. The default is All.

    You can only select properties that you have access to.

    Booking StatusSelect the booking statuses to include in the report. The default is Definite.
    Market Segment TypeSelect Account or Booking to specify which type of market segment to report on. You selection determines which segments are displayed in the Market Segment picklist. The default is Booking.
    Market SegmentSelect the market statuses to include in the report. The default is All.
    Booking OwnerSelect the users whose bookings you want to include in the report. By default, all users are selected.
  1. Click Generate Report to view the report on-screen or Generate PDF to view the report as a PDF file that you can save or print.
  1. Review the report data.

    The report is grouped first by Property and then by Arrival Date (ascending order). The following information is shown for each room block included in the report. Totals for all room blocks are also provided at the booking level. If a booking has room blocks at multiple locations, only the blocks from the selected properties are included in the report data.

    Day/DateDisplays each roomnight in the room block.
    GuestroomsThe following values are displayed for each roomnight:
    • Agreed - The number of guestrooms the customer has requested.
    • Blocked at Definite - The number of guestrooms blocked when the booking became definite.
    • Blocked - The number of guestrooms blocked prior to the booking turning definite.
    • Pickup - The number of guestrooms picked up on the block.
    • Variance %: (Blocked - Pickup ) / Blocked
    RatesThe following average rates are displayed for each roomnight:
    • Agreed Average Rate - Agreed Revenue / Agreed Rooms
    • Blocked Average Rate - Blocked Revenue / Blocked Rooms
    • Pickup Average Rate - Pickup Revenue / Pickup Rooms
    RevenueAgreed, Blocked, and Pickup revenue for each roomnight.