Guestroom Pace Verification report

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You can use the Guestroom Pace Verification report for a detailed list of each booking that is included in the Guestroom Pace report, as long as you use the same criteria. You can use this report to help identify any potential data entry issues affecting the report totals.

Additional information:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Pace and Productivity, click Guestroom Pace Verification Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.

    Inactive values are preceded by an asterisk (*).

    Search details
    Beginning and Ending Activity DatesAny bookings that were created or modified during this date range are included in the report.
    Beginning and Ending Consumption DatesAny bookings that are in-house during this date range are included in the report.

    Consumption refers to guestrooms on a specific date, regardless of the booking's arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking is in-house March 30-April 2 and you run the Pace report using a consumption date range of March 1-31, only those guestrooms on March 30-31 are included.

    PropertiesSelect which properties to include in the report. By default, all properties are included.
    Revenue TypesSelect which revenue types to include in the report. By default, only bookings classified as Banquet are included.
    GuestroomSelect to display Agreed, Blocked, Forecasted, or Picked Up guestroom values. By default, Blocked is selected.

    If you select Agreed, Blocked, or Forecasted, guestroom information is based on picked up figures when the entire booking is marked pickup complete, not its individual room blocks.

    If you select Picked Up, guestroom information is always based on picked up figures whether marked complete or not.

    Users Select which users to include in the report. By default, booking changes made by all users are included.
    Booking Market SegmentsSelect which market segments to include in the report. By default, all segments are included.
    User RoleSelect which user role to include in the report. By default, Booked by is selected.
    Booking TypesSelect which booking types to include in the report. By default, all booking types are included.
    Show DetailsThe report results can collapse and expand by year, month, and booking. Select how you want the report results to display by default.
  4. Click View Report.

    The following information displays for each year, month, and booking in the consumption date range.

    Search result details
    New DefiniteThis is the total number of guestrooms that started the activity period as not definite and ended as definite.

    If a booking departs before or during the activity period, and is marked pickup complete, the ending picked up number is used. Otherwise, the agreed, forecasted, or blocked value is used.

    Lost/DowngradedThis is the total number of guestrooms that started the activity period as definite and ended the activity period as not definite.

    This is based on the beginning agreed, forecasted, or blocked value.

    RevalThis is the change made to bookings that remained definite during the activity period.
    • If pickup is not marked complete, this is the difference of the ending attendance value minus the beginning attendance value.

    • If pickup is marked complete, this is the difference of the ending Picked Up value minus the beginning Picked Up value.

    SlippageThis is used for bookings that remained definite and were marked pickup complete during the activity period.

    The following formula is used to calculate this field:

    (Final picked up guestrooms) - (Beginning agreed, blocked, forecasted, or picked up guestrooms)

    If a booking is marked pickup complete at the beginning of the activity period but is no longer marked complete at the end of the period, the ending agreed, forecasted, or blocked value is subtracted from the beginning picked up value.

    Net DefiniteThis is the final change in guestrooms during the activity period. The following formula is used to calculate this field:

    New Definite - Lost/Downgraded +/- Reval +/- Slippage

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