Guestroom Pace Verification report

Run the Guestroom Pace Verification report for a detailed list of each booking that was included in the Guestroom Pace report (as long as you run it using the same criteria). If you see an anomaly in the Pace report, run this report to identify any potential data entry issues that could be affecting the report totals.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Pace & Productivity, click Guestroom Pace Verification Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.

    When selecting criteria, inactive values are preceded by an asterisk (*).

    Beginning/Ending Activity DateAny bookings that were created or modified during this date range will be included in the report.
    Beginning/Ending Consumption DateAny bookings that are in house during this date range will be included in the report.

    Consumption refers to guestrooms on a specific date, regardless of the booking's arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking is in house March 30 - April 2 and you run the Pace report using a consumption date range of March 1 - 31, only those guestrooms on March 30 and 31 will be included in the report.

    PropertiesIf you sell multiple properties, you can include them in the report. Only those properties you have access to are shown.
    Revenue TypesOnly bookings classified as Banquet are included by default. If needed, select to include bookings classified as Catering and/or In-House.
    UsersBooking changes made by these users during the activity date range will be included in the report.
    User RoleActivity from users in this booking role will be included in the report: Booked By (default), Catering Manager, or Service Manager.
    GuestroomSelect to report on Agreed, Blocked, Forecasted, or Picked Up guestroom values.

    If you select Agreed, Blocked, or Forecasted, guestroom information is based on pickup figures when the entire booking is marked pickup complete (not its individual room blocks).

    If you select Picked Up, guestroom information is always based on pickup figures whether marked complete or not.

    Booking Market SegmentsAll segments are included by default - adjust if necessary.
    Booking TypesAll types are included by default - adjust if necessary.
    Show DetailsThe report results can be collapsed and expanded by year, month, and booking. Select how you want it to display when you first run the report. While viewing, you can adjust by clicking the + or - for each section.
  4. Click View Report.

    The following information is displayed for each year, month, and booking in the consumption date range:

    New DefiniteThe total number of guestrooms that started the activity period as not definite and ended the activity period as definite.

    If a booking departs before or during the activity period and is marked pickup complete, the ending pickup number is used. Otherwise, the agreed/forecasted/blocked value is used.

    Lost/DowngradedThe total number of guestrooms that started the activity period as definite and ended the activity period as not definite (lost, cancelled, or turned down).

    Based on the beginning agreed/forecasted/blocked value.

    RevalChanges made to bookings that remained definite during the activity period:

    If pickup is not marked complete

    End Agreed/Blocked/Forecast/Pickup - Beginning Agreed/Blocked/Forecast/Pickup

    If pickup is marked complete

    End Pickup – Beginning Pickup

    SlippageFor bookings that remained definite and were marked pickup complete during the activity period:

    (Final picked up guestrooms) - (Beginning agreed, blocked, forecasted, or picked up guestrooms)

    If a booking is marked pickup complete at the beginning of the activity period but is no longer marked complete at the end of the period, the ending agreed/forecasted/blocked value is subtracted from the beginning pickup value.

    Net DefiniteThe final change in guestrooms during the activity period.

    New Def - Lost +/- Revals +/- Slippage

Here are a few additional things you can do after you've run the report: