Booking Status Change report

The Booking Status Change report lets you see how much revenue a Sales Manager has lost or gained over a period of time. This report includes new bookings, booking status changes, guestroom changes, and revenue (guestroom and event) changes.

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Pace and Productivity, click Booking Status Change Report.

  1. Complete the report criteria.

    Some of the criteria fields allow you to select multiple values. To do so, press the CTRL key while clicking each value you want to include in the report.

    Criteria FieldDescription
    Beginning/Ending Activity DateAny bookings whose status was changed during the activity date range will be included in the report. Activity date range is typically last month. Example:

    A booking was created on January 5 with a status of Prospect. On Jan. 8, the booking status was changed to Tentative.

    If you run the report with an activity date range of Jan. 1 - 8, the booking is going to display as New Tentative because:

    • As of the activity start date (Jan. 1), the booking did not exist.
    • As of the activity end date (Jan. 8), the booking is Tentative.

    If you run the report with an activity date range of Jan. 5 - 8, the booking will show up as Prospect to Tentative because:

    • As of the activity start date (Jan. 5), the booking existed as Prospect.
    • As of the activity end date (Jan. 8), the booking is Tentative.
    Arrival Date Range Start/EndAny bookings arriving within this date range will be included in the report. Arrival date range is typically the first day of last month through the end of booking time.
    PropertiesSelect the properties whose booking information you want to include in the report. You can only select the properties that you have access to.
    Booking OwnersSelect the active users whose booking information you want to include in the report. To view data for users who are no longer at the property, select All (With Inactive Users).
    Market Segment TypeSelect Booking (default), Account, or Either.
    GuestroomsSelect to display Blocked or Forecasted guestroom information in the report.
    Market SegmentsSelect one or more active market segments. All segments are selected by default.

    Bookings that do not have an identified market segment will not appear in the report's search results. To see those bookings, you need to select the All (Includes Deleted) option in the Market Segments picklist.

    Booking TypesSelect one or more active booking types. All types are selected by default.

    Bookings that do not have an identified booking type will not appear in the report's search results. To see those bookings, you need to select the All (Includes Deleted) option in the Booking Types picklist.

    Beginning Booking StatusSelect the beginning booking statuses to include in the report. All types are selected by default. For example, if you select Tentative, only bookings that had a status of Tentative at the beginning of the activity date range will be included.

    To include both new bookings (those that didn't exist prior to the activity date range) and revals in the report data, select All (Includes New).

    Ending Booking StatusSelect the ending booking statuses to include in the report. All types are selected by default. For example, if you select Definite, only bookings that have a status of Definite at the end of the activity date range will be included.
    Show DetailsSelect this check box to view the Booking Guestroom & Revenue Details section for each booking.

  1. Click Generate Report to view the report on-screen or Generate PDF to view the report as a PDF file that you can save or print.
  1. Review the report data.

    The report groups data in the following order: Booking Owner, Status, Property, Subtotal for each user and status.

    Activity for <<activity date range>>
    Ending <<Revenue Type>>These fields reflect the guestrooms, average rate, and revenue amount at the end of the activity date range.
    <<Revenue Type>>These fields reflect the variance between the guestrooms, average rate, and revenue amount at the end and beginning of the activity date range.

    Ending Revenue - Beginning Revenue = Revenue (+/-)

    Booking Guestroom & Revenue Details

    This section is displayed when Show Details is selected in the report criteria. Event revenue is broken down by corporate revenue classification.

    EndingThe guestroom, average rate, and revenue details at the end of the activity date range.
    BeginningThe guestroom, average rate, and revenue details at the start of the activity date range.
    (+/-)The variance between the guestroom and revenue details at the end and beginning of the activity date range.
    % from BeginningThe variance percentage (Variance / Beginning).

    The Total % from Beginning calculates the Total Variance / Total Beginning.