Function Room Utilization report

The Function Room Utilization report gives you the ability to see how much time a particular room is in use over the course of a day. This report lets you analyze how event attendance compares to the rooms capacity. It provides a revenue summary that gives you a snapshot of what is being generated by business booked in the space. With these metrics, you can make decisions on how to get the best usage out of your space for the highest revenue return.

When are some times when you may want this report?

Does your General Manager ever ask you for a run down on how often your full ballroom is being booked and how much revenue is generated by those bookings? They may be asking to see this data because they are providing it to owners who are considering expanding your event space.

Your Director of Sales may use this report to identify certain future months where event space availability is high and they are considering incentives or promotions to bring more business in.

A few things to keep in mind:

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Event, click Function Room Utilization Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.
    Event Start and End DateEnter the date range for the events you want to include in the report. By default, the date range is set to the first day of the previous month and the last day of the next month. Historic or future date ranges can be used but must not exceed three months.

    Event date refers to the events on a specific date, regardless of the booking's arrival and departure dates.

    PropertySelect the property you want to include in the report. Only properties you have access to are shown, and you can only select one property at a time.
    Room TypeSelect to view one of the following:
    • Indivisible – a list of function rooms that cannot be divided into other rooms.
    • Parent – a list of function rooms that have been identified as Parent Rooms via the Parent Room for Utilization Report setting on the function room. 

    This is not a list of your property's combination rooms as you know them from the function diary. Your property administrator will designate which rooms they consider parent rooms for the purposes of this report. If you would like to understand more, visit the topic that explains parent rooms in more depth.

    Function RoomsSelect the function rooms you want to include in the report. By default, all applicable rooms are included based on the Room Type selection.

    For the report to run accurately, the area field in each function room page needs to be completed.

    Event ClassificationsSelect the event classifications to include in the report. By default, all are selected.
    Function Room Occupancy

    Select to view one of the following:

    • Percent of Day Occupied – The day is divided into time periods -  Morning, Lunch, Afternoon, and Evening. Any event, regardless of the duration, results in 100% function room occupancy for that period. If there are no scheduled events for that period, the field displays 0% occupancy.
    • Percent of Time Period Occupied – The day is divided into time periods -  Morning, Lunch, Afternoon, and Evening. With this option selected, the value reflects the percentage of time in use in relation to the duration of the period

    For example, if the morning period is 6am to 11am (300 minutes) and the event is for one hour (60 minutes), the report will calculate the percentage of 20% (60 minutes/300 minutes).

    Percentages exceeding 100% indicate there are multiple events for the same group in the function room during the time period. For example, breaks in the same function room as the meeting

    Here are a few examples of how you might set the Function Room Occupancy for the report:

    • To see the monthly function room utilization, set the Function Room Occupancy by Percent of Day Occupied.
    • To see the daily function room utilization, set the Function Room Occupancy by Percent of Time Period Occupied.
    UsersSelect the users you want to include in the report. By default, all users are selected (recommended).
    Users RoleBy default, Booked By is selected to be included in the report. If needed, select Catering Manager or Service Manager.
    Status TypeSelect Booking or Event. By default, Event is selected.
    StatusSelect the statuses you want to include in the report. By default, Definite, Tentative, and Prospect are selected.
    Display In Room Time PeriodSelect the option that reflects the data you wish to see in the report:
    • Max Attendance – displays the maximum number of attendees of the event or the highest attendance if there are multiple events in the room
    • Occupancy %  – displays how much the function room is used, for the period of time on the report. This is based on the capacity of the event in the room, compared to the default maximum capacity of the space.
    • Occupancy % & Status Color – displays what is outlined above, with the added bonus of the status color.
    • Status Letter – displays the status of the event in the room. If there are multiple events, the highest status will be displayed.

    If the function room is blocked directly in the indivisible or parent room, a capital letter displays. If the room is not available because it is being used as part of a combination room, the status letter appears in lower-case.

    • Status Color – displays the color of the status for the event in the room. If there are multiple events, the highest status color will be displayed.

    The Status Type report option determines which status is displayed - event or booking status.

    Revenue ClassificationsSelect the revenue classifications to include in the report. By default, all revenue classifications are selected.
    Show DetailSelect Expanded if you want each revenue section to be open or Collapsed if you want them to be closed. This report field is dependent on what you select in the Show Event Revenue Detail field.
    Show Event Revenue DetailSelect Yes to see the event revenue broken down into individual parent revenue classifications (Food, Beverage, Resource, Audio Visual, Administrative Charge, Other, Function Room Rental and Additional).
    Default Time from PropertySelect Yes to use the Morning, Lunch, Afternoon, and Evening Hours you have entered on the property page (under Additional Property Information) or select No to enter the preferred times for the report.

    If Yes is selected and there are no specified times in the property page, the report will utilize the default times provided in the Begin Time fields.

    Morning Begin Time (HH:MM AM/PM)Enter a time that sets the beginning of the morning time period. By default, the begin time is set to 06:00 AM.
    Lunch Begin Time (HH:MM AM/PM)Enter a time that sets the beginning of the lunch time period and the end of the morning time period. By default, the begin time is set to 11:00 AM.
    Afternoon Begin Time (HH:MM AM/PM)Enter a time that sets the beginning of the afternoon time period and end of the lunch time period. By default, the begin time is set to 02:00 PM.
    Evening Begin Time (HH:MM AM/PM)Enter a time that sets the beginning of the evening time period and the end of the afternoon time period. By default, the begin time is set to 06:00 PM.
    Evening End Time (HH:MM AM/PM)Enter a time that sets the end of the evening time period. By default, the end time is set to 01:00 AM.
  4. Click View Report.

    The following information is displayed for the selected property and each month in the pattern date range. The report displays the following for all function rooms included in the report and then details each function room below.

    Daily %

    Displays the total daily occupancy percentage for only the function rooms included in the report.

    When running the report for the Percent of Time Period Occupied, the Daily % is the sum of all totals for each function room. This can lead to an overage as this may include time periods over 100%.

    AttendanceDisplays the total attendance number for each day in the event date range. The report provides the grand total at the top of the report prior to detailing it for each function room.

    Displays the total event revenue on the books for each day in the event date range. The report provides the grand total at the top of the report prior to detailing it for each function room.

    The report uses the most current event revenue available: forecast revenue before the event is marked done, and actual revenue after it is marked done (also known as blended revenue).

    All revenue displayed is exclusive of taxes and service charges.

    Time Period %

    (Morning %, Lunch %, Afternoon %, and Evening %)

    Displayed results vary based on the Display In Room Time Period parameter and the selected Function Room Occupancy parameter.


    Visual representation of daily occupancy percentage for selected property and month in the pattern date range.

The data in the report may be delayed by up to 15 minutes. If the data doesn't match what you expect to see, please run the report again in a few minutes.

Here are a few additional things you can do after you've run the report: