Kitchen report

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The Kitchen report displays all menus and items needed on a specified date. This report is useful for your property's chef and kitchen staff, and is often used as a guide for purchasing food and monitoring kitchen inventory.

The Kitchen report does not total the food and beverage items for the entire date range.

To run the report

  1. Navigate to Amadeus Reports.
  2. Under Event, click Kitchen Report.
  3. Complete the report criteria.

    You can select multiple values for some criteria fields. To do so, press the CTRL key while selecting each value you want to include.

    Search details
    Booking Event Start and End DateEnter a date range to search for in-house events. The default is the current month.

    Event date refers to the actual dates that the events occur, regardless of the booking’s arrival and departure dates. For example, if a booking’s arrival and departure dates are October 26–29 and the event start and end dates for this report are October 28–November 2, only the booking’s events on October 28-29 are included in the report.

    Booking Event Start and End TimeEnter a time range to search for menus and items that are needed during that period. The default is a full 24 hours: 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM.
    Booking StatusSelect the booking statuses to include in the report. By default, Prospect, Tentative, and Definite are selected.
    Event StatusSelect the event statuses to include in the report. By default, Prospect, Tentative, and Definite are selected.
    PropertySelect the properties to include in the report. By default, all properties you have access to are selected.
  4. Click Generate Report to view the report on-screen or Generate PDF to view the report as a PDF file that you can save or print.
  5. Review the report data.

    The report displays menu and item quantities by event and the associated booking owner, service manager, and catering manager.

    The following table defines some fields and calculations found in the report.

    Search result details
    Booked QtyThis is the quantity of the menu or item that is needed based on the event's agreed or expected attendance.

    The Booked Qty is automatically calculated when the Quantity Calculation field is set to Per Person. The following formula is used to calculate this field:

    Booked Qty = (Agreed or Expected Attendance * Consumption %) / Service Factor

    For example, if the attendance is 50 and a pizza's Service Factor is 1, the Booked Quantity is 50. If a pizza's Service Factor is 5, the Booked Quantity is 10.

    If the Quantity Calculation is set to Per Event, the Booked Qty is 1.

    If the Quantity Calculation is set to Not Calculated, the user detailing the BEO manually enters the Booked Qty.

    Actual QtyThis is the most current quantity of the menu or item that is needed for the event. This value is used to capture the menu or item revenue on the banquet check and reports.

    The Actual Qty is automatically calculated when the Quantity Calculation field is set to Per Person. The following formula is used to calculate this field:

    Actual Qty = (Most Current Attendance * Consumption %) / Service Factor

    For example, if the guarantee is 50 and a pizza's Service Factor is 1, the Actual Qty is 50. However, if the pizza's Service Factor is 5, the Actual Quantity is 10.

    If the Quantity Calculation is set to Per Event, the Actual Qty is 1.

    If the Quantity Calculation is set to Not Calculated, the Actual Qty reflects the Booked Qty until it is manually updated.

    Service Start and End Time This is the time period when the menu or item needs to be available.
    UnitsThis measures how the item is sold, for example, by the dozen or by the gallon.
    Unit PriceThis is the price of the menu or item, not including taxes, gratuity, or administrative charges.
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