Delphi Diagramming 2019 release notes

New features and fixed issues in the 2019 releases of Delphi Diagramming.

December 10, 2019 (R9)

Group Seating Objects. Automatic layout seating groups can now display a group settings icon when viewed in design mode.

Sketch Mode. A fast and visual mode to manipulate thousands of resources without sacrificing performance.

CR0132784: Group selection outlines now display around grouped objects.

CR0132756: Dimension lines now stay with their grouped objects, even when the group is moved.

CR0132831: Distance parameters for grow objects no longer change when diagrams are reopened.

October 25, 2019 (R8)

Chevron angle. You can now set the angle of your chevron seating arrangements.

Live Update. Work with large setups? Set the Live Update default in your profile for diagrams that you open and create.

CR0132727: Air wall symbols no longer shift position.

CR0132734: Rotated and flipped chair and table groups now display properly after sync.

October 3, 2019 (R7)

Flip selected objects. You can now flip objects and groups of objects horizontally and vertically.

Chairs per table. Instead of using the -/+ nudge buttons to add or remove chairs, you can now type the number of chairs required.

CR0132642: Room resources, such as doors and pillars, stay in place when opening a diagram.

CR0132648: Bookings, events, and room plans display a loading icon and now open as expected.

CR0132664: Scroll bars behave as expected and no longer create a busy indicator.

CR0132691: Apostrophes may now be used in email addresses.

CR0132692: Default distance parameters for resources now remain consistent for all seating styles.

August 29, 2019 (R6)

Maximize Diagram for PDF or print. Room plans now fill the available page space when printed.

Adjust dimension, line, and arrow features. Line thickness, style, and color can be customized to your needs.

Delphi booking event updates. Booking event edits INDelphi, when integrated, update their diagrams in Delphi Diagramming.

CR0132520: Delphi Diagramming Property edition no longer abruptly becomes unresponsive while detailing a diagram.

CR0132539: Growing Risers and Dance floor tiles no longer add unwanted space or aisles.

CR0132480: You can now import .MMS files (MeetingMatrix Setup) without receiving file type errors.

CR0132563: You can now use the Distance property when working in old Event Diagrams.

August 1, 2019 (R5)

Set distance in automatic layout Mode. Define distances between resources and their rows for theater, classroom, banquet, and exhibit setup styles.

Set distance in Design Mode. Define distances between resources and their rows for chair, table, and exhibit grow groups.

BEO number. Printed diagram information now includes the BEO number for integrated Sales & Catering systems.

CR0132484: Diagrams with large setups no longer freeze or become unresponsive.

June 27, 2019 (R4)

Create rooms. Create and edit your own meeting space with the new Meeting Space Editor.

Subsets. Need to work in a very large and complex diagram? Increase performance by activating Subset mode.

May 2, 2019 (R3)

Larger canvas. Taking a closer look at your diagram is now easier by expanding the drawing area with the click of a button.

System requirements. Get the best performance with Windows 10 and Google Chrome running on 8 gigabytes of RAM with an Intel i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 processor.

CR0131957: Resources, such as chairs and tables, no longer appear faded when printed for diagrams created in design mode.

CR0132083: Batch printing now works as expected.

CR0132085: MeetingMatrix files now upload and convert properly for use in Delphi Diagramming.

CR0132209: Changing properties no longer freezes when using Internet Explorer 11.

April 4, 2019 (R2)

Growable resources. When using the grow feature, the selected resource will now remain anchored in place—so you don’t have to worry about repositioning your new group.

Batch printing. When batch printing diagrams, you now have the option to include gridlines and set their spacing.

CR0131964: A user is now fully logged out of Delphi Diagramming after clicking Sign Out from the settings menu.

February 28, 2019 (R1)

Online media gallery. In the Media Editor of Website Edition, you can now drag media to display in any order you like for your online media gallery.

Integrated attendance. You can now clear the Filter by Attendee checkbox to display all rooms when opening Delphi Diagramming from an integrated Delphi property.

CR0131856: Grow handles are easier to use for growable resources.

CR0131004: In an integrated Sales & Catering environment, Delphi Diagramming will use the specified room, regardless of the attendee number.

CR0131769: In an integrated Sales & Catering environment, you can now use Save As to save a diagram to a different booking and event—this makes it easy to reuse diagrams from one event to the next.

CR0131770: Table spacing after Studio sync now works as intended.