Keyboard shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts are available throughout Diagramming.
Action |
Keyboard shortcut |
Abut bottom | SHIFT+F3 |
Abut left | SHIFT+F7 |
Abut right | SHIFT+F8 |
Abut top | SHIFT+F2 |
Align bottoms | F3 |
Align horizontal | SHIFT+F9 |
Align left sides | CTRL+F7 |
Align right sides | F8 |
Align tops | F2 |
Align vertical | CTRL+F9 |
Bring to front | CTRL+ |
Delete selected elements | DELETE |
Draw a straight line or snap to a 45 degree angle | SHIFT and hold |
Enter and exit full page view |
Group selected elements | SHIFT+G |
Rotate clockwise | CTRL+PERIOD |
Rotate counterclockwise | CTRL+COMMA |
Select all elements | CTRL+A |
Send to back | CTRL- |
Sketch detail | SHIFT+1,+2,+3 |
Sketch mode | SHIFT+S |
Subset mode | SHIFT+A |
Ungroup selected elements | SHIFT+H |
Action |
Keyboard shortcut |
Move forward | W or Up arrow |
Move backward | S or Down arrow |
Move left | A or Left arrow |
Move right | D or Right arrow |
Look up | Z |
Look down | X |
Look left | Q |
Look right | E |
Raise view | F |
Lower view | V |
Reset view | R |