Manage master accounts

A master account lists all the different ways an account might be referred to (its aliases). For example, when creating an RFP for the National Association of Jewelers, a meeting planner might enter "Nat'l Assn of Jewelers" or "NAJ" as the account name, but in your database, the name is spelled out completely. If you create a master account for National Association of Jewelers and add "Nat'l Assn of Jewelers" and "NAJ" as its aliases, MeetingBroker will monitor incoming RFPs to determine if there is one that matches the names in your master account. If a match is found, it will change the RFP information according to your specifications. This helps prevent the creation of duplicate accounts.

You should use master accounts if you:

To create or edit a master account

  1. From the Subscription Administration Home page, click the Subscription tab and then click Accounts.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click New to create a master account.
    • Click an existing master account to view or modify it.

    The Subscription Account page opens.

  3. Enter or update the following information for your account:

    Any fields you leave blank will overwrite matching fields on incoming RFPs with blank values.

Field Description

Account Type

Select Company or Agency. If you select agency, the SIC Code field is removed from the page, and a field for IATA number is added.

Company/Agency Name

Enter the account or agency name following your database entry standards.

Address Lines 1-3



Postal Code


Enter the account or agency address. The incoming RFP will be overwritten by the information in the master account, so enter the address information according to your organization's standards.


Master is selected by default and cannot be modified.


Select if the account is owned by an above-property team or is a key account. This works in conjunction with the Is Managed Account and Is Managed Agency criteria when creating assignment rules.

For example, if the Global Sales Team manages a set of 20 accounts, you can create those 20 accounts as master accounts and indicate that they are managed. Then you can create a subscription assignment rule that says if an RFP is received for any managed account, copy the Global Sales Team Coordinator.


Select to indicate that this account and its aliases should be compared against incoming RFPs.

SIC Code

Enter the SIC (Standard Industry Classification) Code for the industry that the company belongs to (appears only if Account Type is Company). The values in this drop-down list come from your subscription setup values.

Account Code

A system-generated code for the account. Do not change.

External Account ID

If you have another ID for this account from another system, enter it here. This can be helpful for manual cross-referencing between systems.

IATA Number

Enter the IATA (International Air Transport Association) number assigned to the agency (appears only if Account Type is Agency).

  1. Under Aliases, enter alternate names for the account.
  2. Use the drop-down list to choose whether the name on the RFP must exactly match, contain, start with, or end with the value you specify.

    The default selection, Is Exactly, requires your alias to be an exact match to the agency or account name on incoming RFPs. If there is a slight difference (such as an extra period or a typographical error), then no match will be found. When using something other than Is Exactly, be careful not to make your criteria overly broad, as you may end up with more matches than you intended. For example, Contains: Jewelers is probably not a suitable alias for the National Association of Jewelers account since it would also match RFPs from American Jewelers and Jewelers of the Caribbean.

  3. Click Add.
  4. Repeat for additional aliases.
  5. Click Save or Save and Close.
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