Escalation Summary report

The Escalation Summary report displays the number of escalated RFPs per user. This allows you to identify opportunities for coaching, patterns relative to the volume of RFPs users receive, and possibilities for improving how leads are distributed amongst the team. It might also indicate that you need to adjust the escalation timings or copy different resources who are readily available in the office to assist.

To run the report

  1. Click the Reports tab.

  1. Select Escalation Summary Report from the list.

  2. Enter the date range when the leads were escalated.

  1. Click the Search Icon of a magnifying glass button by the Locations field, or leave blank to see all.

  1. In the Sort By field, select how you want to sort the information in the report. If you leave this blank, the default sort order is by User Name.

  2. Select whether you want to view the report in HTML or Microsoft Excel format.

  3. Click Create Report.

Report details

User Name

The name of the MeetingBroker user listed as the RFP Owner when the RFP was escalated.


Receiving location for the RFP.

Total Received

Number of RFPs this user received for this location during the specified date range.

Total Not Responded To

Number of RFPs that were escalated.

% Not Responded To

Percentage of RFPs this user received during the specified time period that escalated.

Learn more...

Overview: MeetingBroker reports

Overview: Escalation