Enable Availability 2.0

When your property upgrades to R18, Availability 2.0 will be enabled for you. This gives all users access to the completely redesigned Availability page. A Corporate Administrator can then choose to provide additional functionality by configuring the Availability page to show certain details and color settings.

For informational purposes, the following steps describe how to enable Availability 2.0 for an org. You must be a Corporate Administrator to perform this task.

To enable Availability 2.0

  1. Go to Setup > Develop > Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage next to Amadeus Public Settings.
  3. Click Edit, select Enable Availability 2.0, and click Save.
  4. Configure the Availability Settings page for the org, making adjustments for individual properties, if needed.
Explore more...

Overview: Availability

Video: Availability 2.0

Video: Configure Availability