Modify room plans

After you've created a room plan for an event, you can open Delphi Diagramming to modify the room plan details. Any changes you make to the room plan (for example, you select a different function room or setup) are not reflected in the event. This also applies to any changes you make to the event details—once a room plan has been created, the event and room plan are maintained as separate records in the two applications.

Make sure pop-up blockers are disabled in your browser; otherwise, Delphi Diagramming won't open when you click the View Diagram button.

To modify a room plan

  1. Do one of the following to open Delphi Diagramming:
  1. With Single Sign-On integration between Delphi and Delphi Diagramming, you'll be prompted to enter your credentials the first time you access the application. However, subsequent visits will grant you direct access to Delphi Diagramming without the need for re-entering your credentials.
  2. Update your room plan details, as needed. For instructions on designing and managing room plans, please refer to the online Help in Delphi Diagramming.
Explore more...

Create room plans

Copy room plans

Delete room plans

Overview: Delphi Diagramming