Edit menu items

The content of this page is specific to the Delphi product type only. If you are using the Delphi Core product type and want to learn more about the Delphi product type, contact your sales representative.

You can use the Menu Item Edit page to modify the information for an item or choice group added to a detailed menu. Your changes do not affect existing events with that menu, but they do affect events created after the change is made.

For example, if you select the Price with Menu checkbox for an item that was previously sold on consumption, the item continues to be sold that way on all existing events. However, the item is included in the menu price the next time the menu is added to an event.

You can use the Item Edit and Choice Group Item Edit pages to modify additional information about an item or choice group.

To edit a menu item

  1. In the Menu Items section of the Item page, click Edit next to the item or choice group. The Menu Item Edit page displays.
  2. Modify the item details as needed. See Add items to a menu for information on individual fields.

    Depending on your experience, either an asterisk or a red bar indicates a mandatory field. These fields need to be complete before you can save the record.

  3. Click Save.
Learn more...

Overview: Menu items

Remove menu items

Types of menus and items