Channel rates and availability

This feature is only available with version R55 or higher. To determine the release installed in your org, see Installed Packages.

Sales managers can use the Channel Rates and Availability interface to search their properties that sell online and view the same availability and pricing for guestrooms and packages as an online shopper. They can then create a booking with that pricing from this interface.

Users can access this interface using the Channel Rates and Availability button on the Availability page.

To search for online pricing and availability

  1. Click Channel Rates and Availability on the Availability page. The Channel Rates and Availability page displays in a new browser window.

  2. Enter values in the Start Date and End Date fields. The date range cannot be longer than 14 days.

  3. Enter the Peak Guestrooms value to search for guestroom availability, if applicable.

  4. Enter the Peak Event Attendees value to search for booking package availability, if applicable.

  5. Click Search.

    You need to enter a value in either Peak Guestrooms or Peak Event Attendees for the Search button to be available.

To book guestrooms with the search results

The Guestrooms section of this page displays the following for each available guestroom:

  1. Enter the number of guestrooms to book under each day and guestroom type in the search results.

  2. A warning (Icno of a warning sign) displays when you enter a value higher than the peak guestrooms value you used in the search criteria. Values higher than the peak guestrooms used in the search criteria cannot be booked.

  3. Click the Shopping Cart (Icon of a shopping cart) on the right side of the page to review your selections.

  4. Click Expand (Icon of an arrow pointing downward) to see your selections per day.

  5. Review the Estimated Total, and click Expand (Icon of an arrow pointing downward) to see the Subtotal with Taxes and Fees as separate line items.

  6. When finished, click Book. A Create Booking window displays.

    Depending on your experience, either an asterisk or a red bar indicates a mandatory field. These fields need to be complete before you can save the record.

  7. Enter a Group Name.

  8. The account selected in the Default Account field under Property Details in Channel Manager displays by default. Enter a value in the Account field to search for an existing account, or click New Account to use an alternate account than the default.

  9. Enter a value in the Contact field to search for an existing contact, or click New Contact to create a new contact.

  10. The Market Segment field value is populated from the Account value. Select a different value if necessary.

  11. Select a Booking Type, a Meeting Class and a Lead Source value if applicable.

  12. Click Create Booking when finished.

To book packages with the search results

The Packages section of this page displays the following for each function room with available packages:

  1. Enter the number of attendees to book under each day and package in the search results.

  2. A warning (Icno of a warning sign) displays when you enter a value higher than the peak event attendees value you used in the search criteria. Values higher than the peak event attendees used in the search criteria cannot be booked.

  3. Click the Shopping Cart (Icon of a shopping cart) on the right side of the page to review your selections.

  4. Click Expand (Icon of an arrow pointing downward) to see your selections per day.

  5. Review the Estimated Total, and click Expand (Icon of an arrow pointing downward) to see the Subtotal with Package Taxes and Fees as separate line items.

  6. When finished, click Book. A Create Booking window displays.

    Depending on your experience, either an asterisk or a red bar indicates a mandatory field. These fields need to be complete before you can save the record.

  7. Enter a Group Name.

  8. The account selected in the Default Account field under Property Details in Channel Manager displays by default. Enter a value in the Account field to search for an existing account, or click New Account to use an alternate account than the default.

  9. Enter a value in the Contact field to search for an existing contact, or click New Contact to create a new contact.

  10. The Market Segment field value is populated from the Account value. Select a different value if necessary.

  11. Select a Booking Type, a Meeting Class, and a Lead Source value if applicable.

  12. Click Create Booking when finished.

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