View revenue classification details

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The Revenue Classification page displays details about a revenue classification's admin and gratuity charges, parent classification, associated property, and child classifications.

To open the Revenue Classification page, do one of the following:

The Revenue Classification page displays the following details:

Field Description
Name This is the name of the revenue classification.
Parent Classification This is the name of the parent revenue classification for property-specific revenue classifications.

Corporate revenue classifications exist at the root level, so they don't have parents.

Default Admin Charge This is the default admin charge that applies to records assigned to this revenue classification. This percentage is used to calculate admin charges on banquet checks and booking checks. This percentage can also be used in tax calculations.

If this is a corporate revenue classification, the Default Admin Charge only applies if a property-specific admin charge is not defined.

If needed, users can modify the admin charge on the event.

Default Gratuity This is the default gratuity that applies to records assigned to this revenue classification. This percentage is used to calculate gratuity on banquet checks and booking checks. This percentage can also be used in tax calculations.

If this is a corporate revenue classification, the Default Gratuity only applies if a property-specific gratuity is not defined.

If needed, users can modify the gratuity on the event.


This is the name of the property associated with the revenue classification.

Corporate revenue classifications do not have an associated property.

Active When this checkbox is selected, the revenue classification is available to all users at the property.

When this checkbox is cleared, the revenue classification is deactivated. The classification still displays in existing records but is not available for new records.

Standard corporate revenue classifications cannot be deactivated.

Root Classification The Root Classification checkbox applies only to corporate revenue classifications.
System Information
Created By This is the person who created the record and the related time stamp.
Last Modified By This is the person who last modified the record and the related time stamp.
Related Lists

The following lists display records associated with the revenue classification.

Child Revenue Classifications If this revenue classification is a parent, the names of its child revenue classifications display in this section. A revenue classification can be the parent of multiple child classifications.

If you use the property-specific admin and gratuity feature, you only need to create child revenue classifications for tax purposes.

Property Admin and Gratuity The Property Admin and Gratuity section only applies to corporate revenue classifications. You can use this section to define property-specific admin and gratuity for this revenue classification.

Before R23, you might have created property-specific revenue classifications and added child revenue classifications to accommodate the different taxes, admin charges, and gratuity. You can continue to work in this way, or enable the property-specific admin and gratuity feature, available with version R23 and higher.

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Overview: Revenue classifications

Create revenue classifications

Edit revenue classifications

Delete revenue classifications