Overview: Property admin and gratuity

Administrators can define property-specific admin and gratuity charges for their revenue classifications. For instance, if The City Hotel charges a 20% gratuity for Food, while Amadeus Plaza charges 18%, you can directly enter these percentages under the Food revenue classification. When users add a food item to an event, the appropriate admin and gratuity charges are automatically applied based on the property. This allows all properties to use the same corporate BEO and Banquet Check templates, eliminating the need to create unique templates for each property to accommodate varying admin and gratuity charges.

Here are a few things to keep in mind before you begin working with property-specific admin and gratuity:

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Enter property admin and gratuity

Edit property admin and gratuity

Edit admin and gratuity on existing events

Inclusive pricing and admin/gratuity charges

Delete property admin and gratuity

View property admin and gratuity details

Overview: Revenue classifications