View property admin and gratuity details

The Property Admin and Gratuity page displays the property-specific admin and gratuity charges that are entered on a revenue classification.

To open the page, first open the appropriate revenue classification. Then, navigate to the Property Admin and Gratuity section, and select the record you want to view.

The following fields display on this page:



Name This is the name of the admin and gratuity record. If the field is set to {AUTO}, a default naming convention is used, for example, 'Food - The City Hotel'.
Revenue Classification This is the revenue classification associated with the property-specific admin and gratuity charges.
Property This is the property where the Admin Charge and Gratuity apply.
Admin Charge This is the percentage of admin charge to apply to records assigned to this revenue classification. This percentage is used to calculate admin charges on banquet and booking checks. It can also be used in tax calculations.

If a property-specific admin charge is not entered, the Default Admin Charge on the revenue classification is used.

If needed, users can adjust the admin charges on the event.

Gratuity This is the percentage of gratuity charge to apply to records assigned to this revenue classification. This percentage is used to calculate gratuity charges on banquet and booking checks. It can also be used in tax calculations.

If a property-specific gratuity is not entered, the Default Gratuity on the revenue classification is used.

If needed, users can adjust the gratuity on the event.

Apply Admin & Gratuity to Discount Price When this checkbox is selected, the charges are calculated based on the discount price of all menus and items associated with the revenue classification. When the checkbox is cleared, the base price is used to calculate admin and gratuity unless otherwise indicated. Refer to Apply admin and gratuity to discounts for more information.
Created By This is the person who created the record and the corresponding time stamp.
Last Modified By This is the person who last modified the record and the corresponding time stamp.
Learn more...

Enter property admin and gratuity

Edit property admin and gratuity

Edit admin and gratuity on existing events

Inclusive pricing with admin and gratuity charges

Delete property admin and gratuity

Overview: Property admin and gratuity

Overview: Revenue classifications