View details about a tax group revenue classification

The content of this page is specific to the Delphi product type only. If you are using the Delphi Core product type and want to learn more about the Delphi product type, contact your sales representative.

The information in this topic applies to the tax function with version R20 and lower. To learn about the enhanced taxes feature available with version R21 and higher, refer to Overview: Enhanced taxes.

The Tax Group Revenue Classification page displays the revenue classification that is assigned to a tax in the tax group. This decides which revenue items on a booking event apply to the tax. Each tax in a tax group can have multiple revenue classifications assigned to it. For example, a city sales tax might need to be associated with the Food, Beverage, and Function Room Rental revenue classifications.

Use the Tax Group Revenue Classification page to remove a revenue classification assigned to the tax. After the revenue classification is removed, you can add a new one to ensure the correct taxes apply to booking events. See Associate revenue classifications with a tax group.

Learn more...

Overview: Taxes and tax groups

Overview: Revenue classifications

Create tax groups